The year is 2012.
The Primary Gods have decided that it is:
A.) Barrack Hussein Obama
B.) Anybody one inch to the Right of Barrack Hussein Obama.
If you do not realize that the correct answer is "B", you are simply too stupid to waste ant more bandwith on.
Have a nice day.
So, it’s my obligation to clean up your mess? Typical entitlement mentality.
A.) Barrack Hussein Obama
B.) Anybody one inch to the Right of Barrack Hussein Obama.
If you do not realize that the correct answer is "B", you are simply too stupid to waste ant more bandwith on.
Oh, there were plenty of candidates to the right of Obama in 2008, and there will be plenty more in 2012.
Your problem is that I won't give it up for the Republicans like a drunken prom date.
TigersEye is right. You display the "typical entitlement mentality" quite well.