They have a solution contrary to American interests.... allowing Iran to go nuclear. Whatever happens to Israel, happens to western Europe and ultimately to the US of A. They know that too.
Its all a part of their greater plan. Folks, America has been sold out.
YEP! 1000% Correct!!
Remember it was Carter who double crossed the Shah’s Regime in Iran because the Shah wouldn’t pay Carter’s Dirtbag Friends Bribes to build a Port with Brown and Root! So Carter supported the Overthrow of Our Friend and Ally, the Shah, by the Muslim Terrorists and Thugs that now threaten Us with their Dispicable Acts in IRAN! Lets remember OBOZO HUSSEIN also vehemently supported Chavez and his dispicable Venezualan Thugs against Our Great Friends in Honduras!
“Whatever happens to Israel, happens to western Europe and ultimately to the US of A.”
Do you really believe that? Why isn’t Israel made a state?
“Whatever happens to Israel, happens to western Europe and ultimately to the US of A.”
Do you really believe that? Why isn’t Israel made a state?