The only way to stop her is to elect enough repubs to get her out of the speaker spot. She cannot be defeated in her own district unless she murders a homosexual illegal alien on the city hall steps in San Francisco on TV.
We are not talking Congress here, we are taking the FBI and Corruption. She cannot trump, stall or fiddle with them in anyway, pardon my french but they won't put up with her merde. If someone gets charged here (i.e. Kilpatrick, Conyers) She can't run the block on them. Imagine in this climate if she keeps them in power without asking them to resign. Think about it, The lame streams can choose to ignore it, but at some point they will get dragged into the story and have to mention that the most ethical Congress would have potential felons still doing business. With Glenn, Talk Radio, Tea Parties and email chains the word would get out and she would look even stupider if that is possible.