Yeah, I can see one of those waving hand on a spring with a suction cup thingies with Palin2012 on it.Ding, ding, ding!
We have a winner!Someone get this EXTRAORDINARY idea to the Palin people!
Thanks for the GREAT "Why didn't **I** think of that" idea, tet68!If this "waving Palin palm print" doesn't go VIRAL, I don't know what would!
BTW, also THANK YOU to Josh Painter for first coining the phrase, "Palin palm print."Not sure if you INVENTED that, JP -- but you're the one that **I** stole it from. ;)
BTW, also THANK YOU to Josh Painter for first coining the phrase, "Palin palm print..."And, a special "THANK YOU" also to FReeper Recovering_Democrat...
... whose EARLIER "palm print" thread......provided much of the inspiration to for THIS thread:
FREEPers and their creativity! | 02/09/10 | Recovering_Democrat
Posted on Tuesday, February 09, 2010 12:32:24 PM by Recovering_DemocratFRiends, I almost posted this last night...
...but since that giant walking wanker Robert Gibbs pulled his little stunt today, I thought we ought to take it a step further.Here is my hand today:I may change it tonight or tomorrow or some time in the future, but I would suggest we all put some messages on our least for a little while.
Some conversation might be generated, and you might find more people agree with you than you think! :)
POST your pics to this thread, and let's have fun!
-- snip --