Some conservativer-than-thou types don’t ever know what they’re talking about. To call John Kyl a RINO demonstrates that. McCain may be a turncoat, but Kyl is our guy. Now, if some conservativer-than-thou types want to move to Arizona and put their money where their mouths are and work for JD Hayworth, than do so. Otherwise, I would invited them to keep their mouths and noses out of Arizona politics. If you live here already, then you should know better.
Too bad he endorsed McCain and was an amnesty pusher.
Everyone’s a RINO now. Ron Paul’s a RINO. Sarah Palin’s a RINO, Jim DeMint’s a RINO. It’s easier that way. Otherwise we’d have to think once in a while.
Sheesh, Free Republic’s a RINO.
Funny thing is, RINO stands for Republican in Name Only. Which makes sense only if there’s something like a Republican in Reality, not merely in name.
Yet again and again we learn on FR that there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats and that all Republicans are sellouts.
I guess all Republicans are Republicans in Name Only so there’s no such thing as a Real Republican.
I’m confused. I think I’ll go see what’s happening on World Net Daily.
I don’t need to live in stinking Arizona.