Using popular shows with fairly large audiences (such as the 'Tonight' show) is savvy 'marketing' strategy for Palin, who needs to cut through the leftist smoke that endlessly demonizes her and never fails to call her 'stupid' in the hope that the average, apolitical American will buy the 'stupid' tag and not bother to check out Palin and make their own judgment.
It's no secret that conservatives have fairly vigorous debates regarding Sarah Palin's alleged 'qualifications' to be president and whether she has what used to be called 'gravitas'. I believe that she does, which, to the Palin-haters, would make me a 'Palin sycophant'. What bull!
Unfortunately, on a public website, you have to put up with leftist loons and cranky people who don't like any politician except some unelectable 'pure' conservative and that have time on their hands to clutter up conservative message boards with their prattle and transparent lack of seriousness as well as the ubiquitous DNC plants trying to tear down the one nationally-known Republican that embodies and lives conservative values. They both hate and fear Sarah Palin because, not only is she a solid conservative but she connects with the average American. Her book sold 2 million copies, proving her popularity as well as making her wealthy.
I'm old enough to clearly recall the left trying to portray then-presidential candidate Ronald Reagan as 'just a washed-up actor looking for a new role', as being a 'lightweight' and, oh yes, at 69, 'too old to be president'. 30 years later Sarah Palin is given the same treatment with different lines, i. e. 'not serious enough', 'no foreign policy experience' and, the big one: 'not too smart'.
It's funny how a few alleged 'conservatives' are so desperate to bash Sarah Palin and disparage her supporters on a conservative website. As I stated, leftist plants are everywhere. The harder they whine and moan about Sarah Palin and her alleged shortcomings (and attack those who support her) the easier their true colors can be seen. Fortunately, they aren't fooling anyone...I hope.
Excellent post. Kudos to you!
Oh, brother. Sarah Palin's a lot of things, but Reagan's not one of them.
I don't remember Reagan quitting at anything. If you do, please share it with us.
I'm tired of people impugning someone's political beliefs because they won't drink the Palin kool-Aid.