Our Sarah America has the natural presence, charm, sunny disposition, respect for our Constitution and love of country that President Reagan had and personified, and like President Reagan was disliked in his day by the nedia elites, Sarah is distained for many of the same reasons. She’s too western, too plain spoken, too unpolished, but (media muttering dammit), she connects with ordinary Americans and (dammit), she sure attracts crowds!
Meanwhile, media muttering dammit, does all it can to promote others and to criticize Sarah America and what does Sarah do?
She keeps smiling and making headlines where ever she goes!
I certainly see the parallels between SP and the Gipper but have been blasted occasionally for pointing them out. nonetheless, you are quite correct and the media hates her for it as they hated Reagan.
They thought they were finished with Reagan in 1988. And it is driving them nuts that they have to confront someone with similar skills.