Posted on 03/03/2010 3:02:30 PM PST by GOP_Lady
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On Today's Show... |
March 3, 2010 |
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The Rush Limbaugh Show® Premiere Radio Networks © All Rights Reserved, 2010. Premiere Radio Networks, Inc. 15260 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
"Nobody is this stupid to think that this health care bill is going to end our trouble.
Now, they may be this ideologically blind, but nobody's this stupid."
"General Motors is preparing for another management shakeup.
Does that mean we're getting rid of Obama?"
"Man, I pity all those poor transportation workers that had to take an entire day off from work, with pay.
It's tough out there."
"Jim Bunning, I think we need to applaud the guy, and I think he has shown the way.
The Jim Bunning approach should be used across the board now."
"If the Democrats are going to violate the budget reconciliation process, then shut the damn place down.
Shut it down. It's time to take a serious stand. There's enough talk that's gone on now."
"It really is time for Republicans to stand for the people who are paying for all of this, and that's us.
Government is not supposed to be about redistribution and subsidies and payouts and bribes and kickbacks to union people.
It is supposed to be about promoting a healthy society and freedom for the individual within an ordered system called the Constitution."
"Whatever Obama says, whenever he says it, the expiration date is just seconds after he finishes."
"If you want to know what Keynesian economics is, you're living it: Barack Obama, massive government spending,
massive debt, massive redistribution of wealth, the lie that government spending, deficit spending can propel economic growth."
"I sincerely apologize to all of you for playing Obama's words.
They were never intended to be taken seriously back in 2005, '6, '7, '8, they were only meant to sound serious.
Nothing that Obama says is meant to be taken seriously."
"Would somebody tell me what it is that qualifies the most inexperienced, unqualified guy in whatever room he walks into,
Barack Obama, to run a two-and-a-half trillion-dollar segment of our economy?
Would somebody show me the resume?"
"There is no business in this country that would hire Barack Obama to run it.
They might hire him as a rainmaker. They might hire him as a PR guy.
But nobody would ever hire this guy to run any aspect of their business."
"Obama's gonna lie about saying if you like your plan you get to keep your plan when
in fact his plan's going to drive our plans out of existence, by design and on purpose."
"Reconciliation was originally sold as a way to bring down the deficit.
You even heard Obama reference it that way. Its real name is budget reconciliation.
And, meanwhile, here the Democrat Party is going to use budget reconciliation to expand the deficit like never before even imagined."
"You have rules and you have Democrats, and that means you have no rules."
"How long before we have a doctors union with these kinds of people in the room?"
"If the unemployment numbers rising as rapidly as they have baffled and surprised the so-called economists,
then why would more money thrown at the same problem in the same way work again?"
"Do you realize there is no grassroots, genuine effervescent support for Barack Obama?
Every shred of support is manufactured."
"This kid in the air traffic control sounds more confident and more competent about what he's doing than Obama."
"General Motors having to recall these 1.3 million little cars, the Cobalts and whatever.
They're blaming the same supplier that provides power steering motors to Toyota. (laughing) So, Obama?"
"When you hear that 60% of the federal budget is entitlement spending, it means there can never be budget cuts in that."
"I can't cancel your insurance. I can't deny you health care coverage. I cannot raise your taxes. I am not your problem."
"Obama doesn't want the press nagging him about his cholesterol. Hey, Obama!
Why don't you shut the hell up and stop lecturing us about our lives, too?
You don't want to be nagged about what you eat? We don't, either!"
"We have learned that $4 a gallon gasoline is a tipping point for people in this country."
"The last time Obama did one of these health care events in the Rose Garden they had to pass out lab coats to the doctors.
Of course, that wasn't a prop. Oh, no, no.
But when Eric Cantor brought the actual bill to the health care summit, that was a 'talking point' and a 'prop.'"
"There was an Aeroflot disaster sometime in the '90s. Two hundred people
were killed when the pilot let his 15-year-old son take the stick for a few minutes.
The kid made a turn that the plane could not recover from --which is, again, another analogy for the Obama presidency."
"Our athletes today have no clue what human growth hormone is compared to what the Soviets
were doing in the Olympics, and our amateur hockey players still beat the Soviet Red Army."
"A conservative ascendancy is happening.
Conservatives are on the move, and everybody knows it.
Obama knows it, Congress knows it, the RINO Republicans know it, and you can see it in vote after vote after vote after vote."
"This is not about lowering your insurance costs or lowering your premium.
This is not about making sure that you get treated for whatever you want,
whenever you want it, and you're not going to have to pay for it.
This is not about improving health care in America, because none of that happens with this bill."
"The American people through their elected representatives --
in election after election after election and vote after vote after vote --
have rejected this every which way possible, but that doesn't mean anything to our young, unqualified president."
Continually repeat ...
It's not about me.
I'm the President.
Past editions of "Rush In a Hurry"
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RUSH: Guess what, folks? His latest health care speech, number 442,000, is going to be surrounded by doctors and nurses. I hope they remember to bring the lab coats this time. Remember the last time they did one of these in the Rose Garden they had to pass out lab coats to the doctors? Of course, that wasn't a prop. Oh, no, no. That wasn't a prop. But when Eric Cantor brought the actual bill to the health care summit, that was a "talking point" and a "prop." So he's going to be surrounded by doctors and nurses.
RUSH: Now, here's the latest on this, and none of this is a surprise but it's going to be interesting. "Sen. Tom Harkin told POLITICO that Senate Democratic leaders have decided to go the reconciliation route. The House, he said, will first pass the Senate bill after Senate leaders demonstrate to House leaders that they have the votes to pass reconciliation in the Senate." There's still a little tizzy here about who's going to go first. None of these guys really want to fall on the sword for this but they have to. So there's an argument, okay, who's gotta go first? In this case, the House will first pass the Senate bill, and they don't want to do that. They want the Senate to go first. The Senate wants the House to go first. So the House will pass the Senate bill first, Senate leaders will demonstrate to House leaders they've got the votes to pass reconciliation. "Harkin made the comments after a meeting in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's office including Harkin and Sens. Baucus, Dodd, Durbin, Schumer and Murray."
Now, I'm pretty sure I'm right about this. This means that the House has to pass its bill. So we are back to having the Cornhusker Kickback and all the other bad things Obama said he opposed still in it. We're talking the Senate bill, and there's not a new one. They can't take those out under reconciliation. Every one of those things is up for debate if the Republicans want to try to stop this in parliamentary procedures, they can throughout the process. However, the parliamentarian can be overruled by Biden, who is the president of the Senate. We know what Biden's going to do here. So if they go reconciliation, all the stuff that Obama's going to say in 20 minutes is simply nonsense, whatever he says. He's going to have the doctors and the nurses out there. As I say, I hope they remember the lab coats. They forgot 'em last time.
I have also just had it made available to me some excerpts from Obama's speech coming up here in about 20 minutes. It's released by the White House and he's using the doctors and nurses as a prop for atmosphere and as a prop in the speech. Here is the obligatory Alinsky line and this is the first paragraph the White House has released. "I dont believe we should give government bureaucrats or insurance company bureaucrats more control over health care in America." He precisely believes that! He precisely believes that a government bureaucrat, namely himself, should have control over health care. That's what this is all about, but you're going to hear him say, "I don't believe we should give government bureaucrats, insurance company bureaucrats more control over health care in America." He wants control of it. This is pure Alinsky. You speak in the language of your audience. He knows that his audience does not want what he is prepared to give them so he's going to try to convince his audience that he's going to give them what they want. He's going to lie, which he can't help. He's a liberal! He has to lie.
He's going to use this lie, this throwaway line to paint the insurance companies as the villain here, with not one word about how government intrusions have totally screwed up the market and driven up costs. I take you back to Howard Fineman's column yesterday in Newsweek about his medical emergency down in Argentina. We find ourselves accepting so many premises that are ludicrous. It's been 24 hours, and not one person -- and I begged for one person, anybody, somebody tell me what it is that qualifies the most inexperienced, unqualified guy in whatever room he walks into, Barack Obama, to run a two-and-a-half trillion-dollar segment of our economy? Would somebody show me the resume? Would somebody show me that he understands how drugs are developed and brought to market? Would somebody show me that he understands the patent process? Would somebody show me that he understands how the MRI came to be, what its purpose is? Can somebody show me that he knows how to run a hospital? Can somebody show me at any point in his life where he has had any experience with our health care system other than as a blood money sucking patient? No. Nobody can, because he doesn't have any. And yet, we're sitting here debating a premise, Obamacare, when Obama hasn't the slightest idea how to do this.
There is no business in this country that would hire Barack Obama to run it. They might hire him as a rainmaker. They might hire him as a PR guy. But nobody would ever hire this guy to run any aspect of their business. And yet we're sitting here debating this whole notion that Obama is the guy to set this up while he lies to us and says we have to give government bureaucrats or insurance company bureaucrats less control over health care in America. He's going to wipe out insurance bureaucrats. He's going to expand bureaucratic power in Washington, mainly by giving it to himself. So it's the same old BS here, folks, hold the insurance companies accountable. But no one holds the government accountable. Nobody is looking at this in any kind of a rational way. Oh, yeah, we look at the bill, we look at the details, and the spending, and the deficits, and the redistribution. All that's fine, we've done this all year.
The real question is, who the heck is this guy to say, (imitating Obama) "I'm gonna devise a system, I'm going to run it, and I'm the only one who can." Who the heck is he? What's he ever done? He gets nagged by his wife, for crying out loud, over cholesterol. That's why he nags us about it. Same old BS. He said: "My proposal also gets rid of many of the provisions that had no place in health care reform, provisions that were more about winning individual votes in Congress than improving health care for all Americans." Okay. I assume that means the Louisiana Purchase and the Cornhusker Kickback are gone? I don't know. I don't know how it can be gone given reconciliation. He's gonna lie about saying if you like your plan you get to keep your plan when in fact his plan's going to drive our plans out of existence, by design and on purpose. Who is this guy?
RUSH: A note to our affiliates, 'cause I don't know what the affiliates on the EIB Network are going to do. Some of them might cover the whole thing. We're gonna JIP it. We'll JIP it, but I'm telling you what he's going to say in advance right now. Using White House own excerpts, and I'm analyzing it right now. We'll JIP it but we're not going to go wall-to-wall coverage on this thing. I mean, that's what this guy wants. This is not an accident that the thing is scheduled for 1:45, right smack-dab in the middle of the EIB Network's broadcast comprehension of the day. So we'll JIP it. Our microphones are there, but we're not going to go wall to wall and I'm not going to walk out of the room for the 15 to 20 minutes it will take him to do this. We'll comment on it as it goes. (sigh) I'm watching them now, the lab coats are filing in now, they remembered to have the doctors in the lab coats.
Are the nurses in nurse uniforms? Anybody in there on a stretcher? Anybody in there on life support? Anybody in there who was just canceled by an insurance company, preexisting condition or denied? They ought to go for broke, wheel in somebody that just died this morning, that you might be able to blame it on an insurance company. I mean, that's about how desperate these people have become.
RUHS: so he's going to say, in addition to everything else I have a told you he's going to say, "At stake is not just this problem but our ability to solve any problem."
Uh, he doesn't get it, or maybe he won't get it. See, we think government CAUSES the problems. We don't need government to solve it. We just want governments out of our way, Mr. President. We don't look to government to solve problems. Those who do are continually disappointed and borderline insane. You cause the problems. (impression) "I don't believe we should give government bureaucrats or insurance company bureaucrats more control over health care in America." That's the Alinsky line. That's where he's just lying through his teeth. Of course he's going to run the insurance bureaucrats out of business and empower one bureaucrat, primarily himself. But then he's going to say this. Get this. (impression) "So this is our proposal. This is where we've ended up. It's an approach that's been debated and changed, and I believe improved over the last year. It incorporates the best ideas from Democrats" there aren't any "and the best ideas from the Republicans. Now, what are these best ideas of the Republicans? Well, here you go.
"Including some of the ideas Republicans offered during the health care summit, like funding state grants on medical malpractice reform." What is he talking about? Medical malpractice reform does not require government funding! What is that? Funding state grants on medical malpractice reform? You just change the tort law. Here's the second Republican idea. Now, brace yourself. The second Republican idea that came up (this from Tom Coburn during the health care summit) is "curbing waste, fraud, and abuse in the health care system." Does that mean if the Republicans hadn't brought it up, they were going to leave it in? If the Republicans had not brought up the concept of getting rid of waste, fraud, and abuse, the Democrats would have it as part of the plan? This is a Republican-only idea, getting rid of waste, fraud...? Well, in practice it probably is (laughs) but it illustrates the problem. So there you have it. As I say, we'll JIP it. For our affiliates down the line, we're going to have to go to the break a little earlier like in a couple minutes, maybe three, in order to JIP the very beginning of this thing. Let's go to Virginia Beach and Dee. It's great to have you on the program, Dee. Welcome to the EIB Network.
CALLER: Hi. Thanks for having me.
RUSH: Yes.
CALLER: Here's the thing. The -- you talking about Obama being a hypocrite, but -- for not passing the bill with 60 votes. The bill was already passed on Christmas Eve with 60 votes in the Senate. So how is he a hypocrite?
RUSH: They don't have 60 votes now, and they couldn't get a compromise. The House bill and the Senate bill are two different bills. They couldn't compromise them, they couldn't conference them. They're too different. The Senate bill is not communist enough for the House bill, it doesn't have the public option in it and all that sort of stuff. It doesn't destroy the country fast enough, soon enough, on the Senate side. So they couldn't get agreement, and then Scott Brown wins, and there goes any attempt to get 60 votes.
CALLER: Yeah, I understand that, but the bill passed already. All they have to do is -- is merge them together.
RUSH: Why didn't they?
CALLER: He didn't pass the whole bill through re-conciliation (sic), and that's not (cell garbled).
RUSH: It doesn't matter. That was then. That was then. This is now. They didn't merge the bills, and now they don't have the 60 votes. They're nowhere near 60 votes anymore.
CALLER: But he's not going to pass the whole bill through re-conciliation. That's the thing. The bill was already passed through the House and the Senate.
RUSH: Nope, nope. You're my understanding this. One bill and one bill only gets passed, and then the reconciliation process begins, and that's where the fun starts. There is no conference. There is no merging these two things. That's why there's a bit of panic on the House side because they gotta pass the Senate bill, and they don't like it. And they are going to have to trust Senate Democrat leaders that they can make the changes in reconciliation 'cause they don't have the 60 votes. Look, I understand that you are a slave to liberalism, but you gotta get your facts right. It's like one of your idols Harry Reid says: "You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts," and they don't have 60 votes, and the thing that they got passed with 60 votes is never, ever going to see the light of day -- and they're losing votes left and right in the House, which is why they have to go reconciliation. They basically don't have the votes for this, Dee, which means they're going to rewrite rules in the middle of it to say they can pass it however they wish and dare anybody to stop them. Pure and simple. You are watching the evaporation of your freedom and liberty and your country as you've known it vanish, dissolve right before your very eyes, and you call and argue with me. I can't cancel your insurance. I can't deny you coverage. I cannot raise your taxes. I am not your problem. But I do want to offer you a gift, since you care about health care. Mr. Snerdley will give this to you. Five free stitches for the wound of your choice any time you need it for the rest of your life.
RUSH: As we breathlessly await the arrival of Dr. Obama to the podium where there are doctors and nurses, we presume clean water, and probably some sick patients on life support as props.
The ultimate irony of using reconciliation. Reconciliation was originally sold as a way to bring down the deficit. You even heard Obama reference it that way. Its real name is budget reconciliation. And, meanwhile, here the Democrat Party is going to use budget reconciliation to expand the deficit like never before even imagined. I want you to remember this. How many of you are part of an HMO? And you hate it, don't you? Many of you hate your HMO. Guess who gave us the HMOs? The same people in this room at the White House, it was Ted Kennedy's deal, Ted Kennedy created the health maintenance organization, same people, absolutely same people. Who's next? We're waiting for Obama. I'm getting e-mails, by the way: "Don't JIP it, don't JIP it, I came home specifically to listen to you." I'm not going to get out of the picture here. Don't worry, I'll be here when we JIP it and I'll be the judge. I'll use my editorial and highly trained broadcast skills to determine just when it's time to get out of this, and it's not going to be long. Trust me. The whole thing is an exercise. He's a compulsive liar.
RUSH: Oh. Okay. Here comes the procession. Blue-clad nurses, here comes a doctor. Oh. Oh. No props here, right? No props. I wonder how much they paid these people, or I wonder how much these people have donated to Obama. Is that how you get selected for this? They're all coming out, they're standing, let's see, three, four, five, six of them. It's pretty diverse. They got three women, one who's black and then three white guys. That's a miscalculation. You gotta at least have a black guy in there. Tavis Smiley is not going to be happy. Here is the president now to a standing ovation. Looks like he's in the East Room again. These doctors look like they deal with the insane. Well, you know, I've seen movies about doctors that deal with the insane. I know what they look like. All right, let's JIP it, let's see what's happening here. Our microphones are there.
OBAMA: -- standing behind me, physicians, physician assistants, and nurses who understand how important it is for us to make much needed changes in our health care system. I want to thank all of you who are here today. I want to especially recognize two people who have been working tirelessly on this effort, my secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius. (applause)
RUSH: Another incompetent, clueless. What about the swine flu emergency, hmm? How about the swine flu? Where is that?
OBAMA: As well as our quarterback for health reform out of the White House, Nancy-Ann DeParle.
RUSH: Who? Nancy -- Nancy -- nobody else knows her last name, either.
OBAMA: We began our push to reform --
RUSH: The closed-caption people don't know what her last name is.
OBAMA: -- in this room with doctors and nurses who know the system best, and so it's fitting to be joined by all of you --
RUSH: Yeah.
OBAMA: -- as we bring this journey to a close.
RUSH: Drags them into the room. It's like being in the Nuremberg trials.
OBAMA: -- at a summit where Democrats and Republicans engaged in a public and very substantive discussion.
RUSH: It was a waste of time.
OBAMA: This meeting capped off a debate that began with a similar summit nearly one year ago. Since then --
RUSH: There have been a thousand in between.
OBAMA: -- every idea has been put on the table.
RUSH: Nope, nope, nope, nope.
OBAMA: Every argument has been made.
RUSH: Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.
OBAMA: Everything there is to say about health care has been said, and just about everybody has said it. So now is the time to make a decision --
RUSH: I thought we did.
OBAMA: -- about how to finally reform health care so it works.
RUSH: Who are you to do it?
OBAMA: Not just for the insurance companies, but for America's families and America's businesses.
RUSH: Demonize insurance companies. Predictable.
OBAMA: And where both sides say they agree is that the status quo is not working for the American people. Health insurance is becoming more expensive by the day. Families can't afford it --
RUSH: It's working better than what you're gonna do to it.
OBAMA: -- businesses can't afford it. Smaller businesses and individuals who don't get coverage at work are squeezed especially hard. And insurance companies freely ration health care based on who's sick and who's healthy, who can pay and who can't.
RUSH: Yeah, well, we don't have death panels like you're going to have.
OBAMA: -- that's the status quo, that's the system we have right now.
RUSH: Don't worry, folks.
OBAMA: Democrats and Republicans agree that this is a serious problem for America and we agree that if --
RUSH: We're going to get outta this in about a minute and 15 seconds.
OBAMA: -- we do nothing, we throw up our hands and walk away --
RUSH: I am not giving up an obscene profit commercial break for this guy. We are not going to blow through a commercial break.
OBAMA: More Americans will lose their family's health insurance if they switch jobs or lose their job.
RUSH: Yes, they will!
OBAMA: More small businesses will be forced to choose between health care and hiring.
OBAMA: More insurance companies will deny people coverage who have preexisting conditions.
RUSH: There aren't going to be insurance companies!
OBAMA: -- drop people's coverage when they get sick.
RUSH: There aren't going to be insurance companies, aren't going to be any.
OBAMA: And the rising cost of Medicare and Medicaid will sink our government deeper and deeper and deeper into debt. On all of this we agree. So the question is, what do we do about it?
RUSH: Get rid of you.
OBAMA: On one end of the spectrum there are some who suggested scrapping our system of private insurance and replacing it with a government-run health care system.
RUSH: Like you!
OBAMA: And though many other countries have such a system, in America it would be neither practical nor realistic.
RUSH: Right. But you're still going to do it. Okay, that's it. Stop the JIP. That's exactly what he's going to do. There is going to be a public option. That's the only reason to do this. There isn't going to be private insurance. He's Saul Alinsky Jr. here. I've had enough. I didn't really need this much.
RUSH: The audacity here, "Everything on health care has been said, everything's been said." So the message from the president of the United States is, "Shut up, debate over, bend over. Everything's been said." This, after he and his tyrannical party have decided to ignore and overrule the explicit things being said by the American people, which is, "Hell, no, we don't want this." He just got through saying, (imitating Obama) "It passed in the Senate by 60 votes, passed in the House by a sizeable majority, now we going to do it." Well, if it passed why don't we have it? And then he starts this, "Bush got his tax cuts with a simple majority. We need health care with a simple majority." after we've got eight sound bites of him decrying, criticizing, demanding that the very rule he's going to break never be broken. It's like I said the other day, folks, you have rules and you have Democrats, and that means you have no rules.
So it will be interesting to see what kind of fallout there is from this on the part of the American people, 'cause this was... I mean, I have never heard health care presented in a rosier fashion. (imitating Obama) "We're gonna reduce costs. We're going to reduce the deficit by a trillion dollars over two decades, and these are not my numbers, these are the CBO numbers, and they're the referee to determine how much stuff costs here." It's not true. It simply isn't true. He says if you want to keep your doctor and keep your plan, you can. No. I don't know what plan he's got, but every plan that's out there, either one of them, the House or Senate version -- we're beating a dead horse here. How long before we have a doctors union with these kind of people in the room? We're on the path to single payer, folks. That's what this is. And everything he said to the contrary is an out-and-out lie.
Now, while you're out there keeping track of the number of times Nancy Pelosi is going to declare that she can get Obama's health care plan passed, remember there's a lot of illusion going on out here. For a year Pelosi and Reid have both said, "Oh, yeah, we got the votes, oh, yeah." They've never had the votes. They're going to be out there doing it again. "Oh, we gotta go reconciliation, though, but we got the votes, we're gonna get it done." While you keep track of the number of times Pelosi says that she can get the votes for Obama's health care plan, to get it passed, make sure you take note of the Senate-passed jobs bill last week, more of the same spend-as-we-go and proof positive that the number of ideas in the wheelhouse of this administration is very few. If the first $800 billion did not affect the unemployment figures -- well, the first $800 billion did affect the unemployment numbers. They went up. If the unemployment numbers rising as rapidly as they have baffled and surprised the so-called economists, then why would more money thrown at the same problem in the same way work again?
What we need here are new ideas. We need people and organizations to get them into the arena, and there is an organization that is a warehouse for ideas. It's the Heritage Foundation, and I just want to give you a heads-up, later today or first thing in the morning, they are going to have the most authentic, detailed, right-on analysis of this drivel that we just heard than anybody else has. That's not to put anybody down, but the Heritage Foundation -- it's where I'm going to go. is where I'm going to go because right now the brainiacs in this place are tearing down this speech word by word, lie by lie. They're going to have the truth of what was really said here today at some point at They're going to have not just an analysis but they will have genuine free market solutions and ideas on how to create jobs and how to stop this massive health care plan. I'll tell you, if you want more than a sneak peek, you can go to the Heritage Foundation website right now and you don't need to be a member. You're not going to be able to see nearly a smidgen, barely a smidgen of what they have there, you need to join Just become a member, $25 donation. Now is the time. Greatest bunch of people. I can't wait for them to break this down. I mean if I weren't working on this program I'd break it down myself. Obviously I have my commitments and responsibilities here.
But tomorrow -- ha-ha-ha-ha -- it's Hiroshima time, folks, it's Nagasaki. He thinks he's going nuclear, wait 'til we get to this tomorrow. (interruption) Hm-hm. He said that? He said this is not about the next election? And the one after that? And it's not about politics? My plan would stop arbitrary premium -- oh, price controls. Yeah, that really has worked, price controls. We have Medicare and Medicaid price controls, that's really worked, hasn't it? Look, there's a lot of funny stuff in the speech, too. We recorded a lot of good Republican ideas from the summit. Like state grants for tort -- medical malpractice reform? What is that? What are state grants for medical malpractice reform? And then he said the next great idea the Republicans had was eliminating fraud and waste, as though if the Republicans hadn't proposed it, fraud and waste would still be in his health care plan. That's a Republican idea? Sadly it is, but I mean that's not a Republican idea. That's a family budget common sense idea. And then in his summary he was talking about all the Republican ideas that have been incorporated, and then he had to start bashing 'em. (imitating Obama) "Republican plan would only insure three million. My plan, 31 million. And, by the way, we'll cut the deficit a trillion dollars at the same time." Numbers won't work. They don't add up.
RUSH: To the phones, Chris in Erie, Colorado. Great to have you on the program.
CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush.
RUSH: Thank you.
CALLER: You know, what has really bothered me about these folks all along is these are the people that think they can tax their way to prosperity, and this plan they have to tax America and then not spend health care funds until 2014, I guess, that can't work. These guys are deficit spenders. They're going to blow our money before health care even starts. The MO of these folks is they think they can spend their way out of trouble, and they're gonna save our money?
RUSH: You know, this is what I have a problem with. Nobody is this stupid to think that this is going to end our trouble. Nobody is this stupid. Now, they may be this ideologically blind, but nobody's this stupid, particularly after 14 months of utter destruction to the US private sector. That's why I maintain this is purposeful. This is being done for a specific reason, and they're not saying what it is. I am, but they're not. This is not about lowering your insurance costs or lowering your premium. This is not about making sure that you get treated for whatever you want, whenever you want it, and you're not going to have to pay for it. This is not about improving health care in America, because none of that happens with this. This is about destruction. Barack Obama is the most unknown person to be elected president in this country's history. What do we know about him? We don't know what his grades were.
We know who his associates were and so forth, but he's the least vetted candidate that we've ever had. Now, those of us who no longer pay attention to the Drive-Bys, we found out as much as we needed to know about this guy. The first thing we needed to know is he's a liberal. He was never a centrist. He's never been a centrist about anything. He speaks a good centrist game but he has never been one. He's never been a unifier. Barack Obama has never unified anybody. Never. He's never brought anybody together. It's never happened. Yet there were enough saps in this country who bought the drivel and thought it would be oh-so-nice if it could happen, but this is not the guy to do it. We also found out that Barack Obama is a guy doesn't like this country. It's the way he's been educated, the way he was brought up. He thinks this country is almost criminal in the way it has behaved. It has stolen resources from around the world, from other countries, that weren't ours. We have pursued a rich and unwarranted lifestyle while causing poverty around the world.
Our military has committed murder around the world. Our CIA has committed murder around the world. We have militarized space. We have created the deadliest weapons. We have stolen the genuine wealth of the true earners of that wealth in this country. All the rich people in this country are only rich because they stole it from the people who did the real work and should have been paid the real money. And so by golly, by God, it's payback time now. It's payback time, and everybody who loves this country and who thinks it's the greatest country that's ever been is going to have to get their mind right, because we don't deserve that, as immoral and as unjust and as imperialistic as we have been. That's his mind-set. That's the mind-set of his preacher. It's the mind-set of Calypso Louie, another friend of his. It's the mind-set of half the union leaders, if not more! It is the mind-set of many of his professors at Harvard and many of your kids' professors at what have school they're going to. It's what he's been taught. And his #1 influence is a guy named Frank Marshall Davis, who also hated this country. He was an avowed communist and Marxist who hated this country -- while living in Hawaii! Go figure.
Man, I pity all those poor transportation workers that had to take an entire day off from work, with pay. It's tough out there. "In a press release Tuesday evening, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said, 'I am pleased that the Senate has acted to break its logjam and extend the Highway Trust Fund for another 30 days. This means that our valued employees may return to work. It also means that their important work getting the economy back on its feet, ensuring Americans' safety and keeping critical construction projects moving will be able to continue.'" Wow, who knew that the Department of Transportation had such heady responsibilities like creating jobs. I thought that was Obama's gig. Anyway, speaking of Jim Bunning, I think we need to applaud the guy, and I think he has shown the way. The Jim Bunning approach should be used across the board now. If the Democrats are going to violate the budget reconciliation process, if they are going to violate it, then shut the damn place down. Shut it down. It's time to take a serious stand. There's enough talk that's gone on now.
It really is time for Republicans to stand for the people who are paying for all of this, and that's us. Government is not supposed to be about redistribution and subsidies and payouts and bribes and kickbacks to union people. It is supposed to be about promoting a healthy society and freedom for the individual within an ordered system called the Constitution. It is time, folks, to start kicking ass against the welfare state. It is time to stop this. Jim Bunning showed the way. Use the Senate rules to force senators to actually vote and debate and take a stand on this stuff. Ignore the media which is now attempting to make Bunning out to be a lunatic fringe kook and they're trying to portray Republicans as embarrassed by the guy. Why is this controversial? Why at all is it controversial? Who cares what the Washington hacks say about it? They're now being dismissed by the people. What in the world is controversial about a man standing up and saying, "We don't have the money. We got a rule here that says we're gonna pay for it before we spend it. And we're not paying for it here so I'm not going to let it happen." And that's controversial.
We're running a one-and-a-half trillion-dollar deficit. It's only going to get worse. Our total national debt is 13, $14 trillion. You want to see our future if we don't get our hands around this? "Greece has announced a new austerity plan worth six-and-a-half billion dollars in savings to deal with the country's unprecedented financial crisis. A government spokesman said the measures are split between tax increases, new revenues, and spending cuts. He said Wednesday the measures include trimming civil servants' annual salaries with a 30% cut in their holiday bonuses, freezing pensions, and imposing further cuts on stipends and bonuses." Greece also increased the sales tax from 19% to 21%. They raised taxes on adult beverages, cigarettes, luxury cars, yachts, precious stones, and leather goods. Speaking to reporters after the meeting a government guy said, "It's necessary for the survival of our country and our economy." You see how they do this? They make it so dire, so catastrophic, the only answer is more taxes, and these taxes will not produce more revenue. I believe the spending cuts when I see them.
RUSH: Have you seen news reports on the Texas gubernatorial primary? You talk about a bunch of people in the media who are devoted to templates and premises which are so wrong. "Anti-Washington message propels Perry in Texas -- Conservative incumbent Rick Perry rode strong anti-Washington rhetoric to a victory over a sitting U.S. senator for the Texas Republican gubernatorial nomination in a race that could be a model in this year's crucial U.S. mid-term congressional elections. 'We're taking our country back -- one vote at a time, one election at a time,' Texas Governor Perry told supporters after handily defeating U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison in a bruising primary election on Tuesday. ... After trailing Hutchison in initial polls in 2009, Perry surged to a commanding lead by mobilizing his party's most conservative members and harnessing disenchantment with Obama and Washington politics."
For those of you at Reuters who wrote this and for those of you elsewhere in the State-Controlled Media, if you think that this was anti-Washington you are only maybe 30% right. This was a primary. This was a primary between two different kinds of Republicans, well-known Republican politicians. And the more conservative one was overwhelmingly elected. And the more conservative one, who won, had Sarah Palin backing him. Kay Bailey Hutchison had the Washington Republican establishment backing her. All you need to know here is that in Texas, Republican voters were saying "no" to RINO Republicans as much if not more than they were saying "no" to Washington in the sense that RINO Republicans are the same kind of Democrats, liberal Democrats to certain extent, you might be able to make the case. But this was a primary, and this was simply Republican voters, conservative voters saying, "We don't want the Republican Party run by the RINOs, by moderate Republicans." And Sarah Palin, who's supposed to be death, was right in there backing him. You want the names of who was backing Kay Bailey Hutchison? You want the names? Bush, Rove, the party people, the party loyalists. I'm not criticizing. I'm just illustrating. So this is as much about anti-Washington as it is about anti-RINO and other things.
So I gotta take a break here, folks. A little long. We'll come back, big-time audio from Obama several years ago, several different occasions saying, (paraphrasing) "No way we're going to do health care with just 51 votes. This is too big, we're going to need supermajorities to do this and do it properly." Of course, whatever he says, whenever he says it, the expiration date is just seconds after he finishes.
RUSH: I got some calls from Texas I want to take about what happened there in the primary. We'll start in McAllen with Jeremy. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.
CALLER: Hello, sir. How you doing? Primarily I just heard you talking about Texas --
RUSH: Whoa, slow down. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Sloooooow down.
CALLER: Got it.
RUSH: Just a little.
CALLER: All right. I'm mainly calling about Texas. You were talking about how Perry won and how there's a different mentality in Texas. I don't know if you frequent the place --
RUSH: I frequent the place? I'm in Texas, I --
CALLER: -- but the whole thing in McAllen, I don't know if you know, is a mid-sized city that's number one in the nation for job creation, job growth, economy. We're not really feeling it but we want to keep it that way and there's a lot of people with bumper stickers if you just drive around here, you know, asking for the Republic of Texas to come back. So just want to kind of voice that and kind of see what you thought about that.
RUSH: Well, I go to Texas a lot. I have favorite restaurants in Austin, San Antonio, Dallas. I have some good friends from McAllen. I've not been there. I have been to Houston countless times. Every time I've been there, I sense what you're talking about. Being a Texan is a Texan.
CALLER: It's something that I don't know I guess you happen to take some pride in. Of course our city is doing really well but a lot has to do with income from Mexico coming over. We're so close to the border that we have all this income coming over from the super wealthy in Mexico, but you talk about $7 gas and all the other stuff, I mean that stuff will affect hugely our economy, and I think --
RUSH: That's the idea.
CALLER: -- here in Texas --
RUSH: That's the idea. Seven-dollar-a-gallon gasoline is destined and designed to ruin your economy. It's designed to reorder your lifestyle. I don't mean to be yelling at you, Jeremy. It's not to "save the planet" because we can't save it or destroy it. It's not about climate change. It's about restricting your mobility, restricting your freedom. That's what it's about, and of course redistributing wealth, "returning the nation's wealth to its rightful owners." Corpus Christi is next and Carl. Great to have you on the program. Hi.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. Dittos from Corpus. How are you this morning?
RUSH: Very fine. Thank you, sir.
CALLER: Good. Rush, really, I think in my mind what happened yesterday is I went and pulled the lever for Rick Perry and I believe not only were there a ton of people on the Republicans line and virtually none of the Democrat lines (which I'm sure that varied precinct to precinct). However, my biggest problem with Kay Bailey is I love her as a person and I would probably vote for her again as our Senator. I just didn't want somebody from Washington coming to Texas to try and run this state. That's basically the bottom line for me.
RUSH: Let's take that a step further. I understand what you're saying. There's no wrong answer here. I'm just genuinely curious. What is it about somebody from Washington?
CALLER: Basically the whole establishment. I almost kinda wish we could kind of blow it up and start all over. In fact, if I had my way I'd fire everybody in Washington. We'd start from scratch, get rid of the communist news media and just move on. This is a great country, Rush. I grew up in a great country. I don't want my kids and my grandkids to grow up in a totally tax dependent country, and I believe that's exactly where we're headed. I'm not overly nervous about it, but, you know, down here in Texas we take up our arms when we need to. The Alamo a great piece to just go and ponder and think about things: 184 men gave their lives basically for freedom and I wouldn't be surprised if this continues on over the next few years that we have to make a march on Washington just to make sure our voices are heard.
RUSH: Your voices are being heard. They're being ignored but your voice is being heard.
RUSH: There's no question about it. I can tell you a little story. It's enough time has passed. I was in Texas at an event. Heck, it might be a year ago now. Some Washington Republicans found out that I was going to be there. I get a series of panicked e-mails. They said, "Governor Perry is going to be at this event and is going to try to angle his way into getting pictures with you so he can put it out that you've endorsed him."
I said, "Well, that happens to me everywhere I go. What's the big deal?"
(Snorts) "Perry?"
Washington Republicans tried to warn me away from it. Now, I don't endorse in primaries anyway. I can't help it. It was an event where I was going to be posing for pictures for everybody. I can't say to people, "I'm not taking a picture with you." My point here is that in the establishment Republican, Washington cabal, there was panic that I, El Rushbo, was going to be in an event where Rick Perry was. It wasn't for him. He was just going to be there. So, look, there is a conservative ascendancy that is happening. Conservatives are on the move, and everybody knows it. Obama knows it, Congress knows it, the RINO Republicans know it, and you can see it vote after vote after vote after vote. There's really nothing that's going to stop it. People have had it, and they are going to be heard. However they make themselves heard, they are going to be heard. A lot of people are going to try to ignore you, but they're not going to be able to.
Read the Background Material... |
AP: Gov. Perry Defeats Hutchison in Texas GOP Primary Wall Street Journal: Perry Rolls to Victory in Texas Primary |
Do not think for a moment that this is out of the realm of possibility. Take a look at where we are now after just over a year and then realize we haven't even gotten to the bad stuff yet that this guy has planned. (interruption) Well, Snerdley just shouted in my ear over the IFB "Americans will not stand for seven dollars a gallon." I have been saying the last 20 years that Americans will not stand for X, and they're standing for it. This is the first major push-back. Well, '94, but that was the post office scandal in the House and the bank and just a bunch of corruption stuff. This is the first real big -- in my life. Now, there have been others, don't misunderstand, but this is a huge push-back. And they're going to ram down here our throats anyway. Make no mistake, they're going to try to do it. They're dead serious about this about this and they do not care about the outcome.
RUSH: Andrea in Omaha, Nebraska, great to have you on the program. Hello.
CALLER: Hi, Rush, thank you for taking my call, and I love to speak to you when I can, and I'm actually driving from Omaha to Lincoln on Route 80 and my comment is that it's fine for the people on the east and west coasts in those densely populated areas; they can pay $7 a gallon for gas. That will cut their driving, if they have access to mass transportation. But I think the rest of us in the rural states ought to be exempt. There is no mass transportation here in Nebraska to speak of, for example. So I think we should be exempt from that. Let the liberal people who built all their mass transportation systems enjoy the fruits of it.
RUSH: Well, you're asking essentially for the Cornhusker kickback.
CALLER: That's right! You betcha! (giggling)
RUSH: Yeah. At least you're honest about it, in the same spirit here as Senator Nelson. The way this would happen, of course, would be a "carbon tax," an initial federal tax on every gallon of gas. They couldn't just proclaim the price to be seven bucks. If they wanted it to be a constant $7 they'd have to have a floating tax but, they won't. They'll have a tax that will get it to of is dollars or even higher. I understand the point you're making because the people have been advocating for this are the people, the leftists, who live in these big urban centers on the coasts. "Okay, you want it? You got it."
CALLER: That's right. You know, I actually just left the job communicate 95 miles each way, three days a week. There was absolutely... I mean, how could you do that without a car? You know, there is no mass transportation.
RUSH: You couldn't.
CALLER: You could bicycle. (chuckles)
RUSH: You couldn't. To do it you would have to change your lifestyle so dramatically.
CALLER: Yeah, and I started it when the gas was like about $4 a gallon so it was kind of painful little bit, but, yeah, I did it.
RUSH: Well, we have learned that $4 a gallon is a tipping point for people in this country. The point of this story -- remember, now, these are recommendations to the government from some egghead researchers at Harvard, and it's all based on a faulty premise and a hoax, and that is that man-made greenhouse gases are causing climate change, global warming or whatever. That is just the vehicle. This is the one of the greatest ways they could limit freedom: You limit mobility, you limit freedom, you create even more dependence on other things to get by. This is where we're headed with this administration.
RUSH: Dick in Wisconsin, great to have you on the program, sir, hi.
CALLER: Hey, greetings from the frozen tundra north of Green Bay.
RUSH: Thank you.
CALLER: We're still driving on the ice and drilling holes and fishing and enjoying our great outdoors here.
RUSH: Well, I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the great outdoors.
CALLER: I'd like to comment on this gas thing, you know, 'cause these guys are gonna put everybody in the RV industry in Indiana out of business, all of the recreational parks will be out of business. Nobody will be going anywhere anymore --
RUSH: What's new?
CALLER: Yeah. They're going to put millions of people out of work.
RUSH: Millions more people, you mean out of work.
CALLER: Millions more. I mean it will be worse than the Carter recession, and they almost killed the RV industry at that time.
RUSH: Yeah, well, they're coming back to kill it for sure this time. Now, people, don't panic yet. This is just in a little Dot Earth blog in the New York Times. Some eggheads at Harvard have looked at the EPA budget, reducing carbon emissions to 2005 levels by 2020 and they say a key ingredient to doing that is seven-dollar-a-gallon gasoline with a vast increase in the federal gasoline tax. So I think it's just a proposal from Harvard, but Clinton had this idea, carbon tax, one of the first things he proposed in the first six months. Look, Democrats are Democrats, liberals are liberals, and this is what they're proposing, and this is what they want to do. They want to create -- I keep reading, the dream is to create a European welfare state. Europe is pikers compared to what these people want to do. These people want to permanently transform the greatest country on earth and turn it into a basic unrecognizable stepchild. They don't like this country. This country is unjust and immoral. This country has stolen things that doesn't belong to it. All the oil that we use, all the trees that we've cut down, and all the disease and disaster we've caused.
Read the Background Material... |
American Thinker: Save the Planet: Raise the Gas Tax to $7 a Gallon New York Times: Fuel Taxes Must Rise, Harvard Researchers Say |
CALLER: I wanted to talk to you about an article that I read recently in the Wall Street Journal that says that because there is like several vacancies, I think three in the Fed, that Obama has an opportunity now to reshape the Fed, and somebody brought up Paul Krugman's name, and in the article it said he is just, you know, a definite Keynesian. And the reason I'm talking about -- or I called you, rather, is to tell you that I don't think that the American public really understand John Maynard Keynes economics, and they don't understand that he was a very devout socialist and Marxist and that he surrounded himself with Marxists and that his general theory which he presented to Roosevelt in 1936 really was some kind of what they thought was a politically genius stroke because what it did was it pawned off socialism to the world under the guise of saving capitalism. And this is not something that I've made up. If you look on the Internet under a Web page called Keynes at Harvard, it's all there.
RUSH: Well, let me say this, and let me be clear when I say this. This is very simple to do. You want more people to know who John Maynard Keynes was. Okay, attention, class. John Maynard Keynes. If you want to know what Keynesian economics is, you're living it: Barack Obama, massive government spending, massive debt, massive redistribution of wealth, the lie that government spending, deficit spending can propel economic growth. She is dead right that they tricked everybody into thinking this is the way we're going to save capitalism! They had no intention of saving capitalism. Just like Obama, they wanted to destroy it and replace it with socialism or Marxism or fascism or whatever you want to call it. And they got pretty close. Then World War II came along and screwed 'em up. If FDR had kept us out of World War II we might not know America as she is today. But I don't believe in "if". "If" is for children. Roger Whittaker, 1972.
END TRANSCRIPT We're living through a Keynesian disaster right now.
Read the Background Material... |
Wall Street Journal: Fed Vacancies Clear Path for Obama |
OBAMA 2005: A change in the Senate rules that really, uh, I think would change the character of the Senate, uh, forever. [snip] Uhhh, and what I worry about would be th-th-that you essentially still have two chambers, the House and the Senate, but you have simply majoritarian, uhhh, absolute power on either side, and that's just not what the Founders intended.
RUSH: Then he cared about what the Founders intended. He doesn't care a whit what the founders intended now. This was about, just to review, the "nuclear option" on judicial appointments. The Republicans controlled the Senate and the House. And remember the battle cry back then was, "Remember the rights of the minority! Remember the rights of the minority! It's not right. We shouldn't have one party running every branch is bad." They were whining and moaning. They have the exact situation now and everybody everything they said back then about filibuster rule is no longer operative. Let's go back, November 2, 2004, election night, CBS TV, Obama said this about passing legislation in the Senate.
OBAMA 2004: My understanding of the Senate is is that you need 60 votes to get something significant to happen, which means that Democrats and have to ask the question: Do we have the will to move an American agenda forward, not a Democratic or Republican agenda forward?
RUSH: Now, what he's saying here is that if you're going to have a massive agenda move you gotta get 60 votes in the Senate. You have to have a supermajority here to make it legitimate. He was all for it back then. July 12th, 2006, at the Center for American Progress Convention...
OBAMA 2006: Those big-ticket items, fixing our health care system. You know, one of the arguments that sometimes I get with, uhh, my fellow progressives and -- and some of these have -- have flashed up in the blog communities on occasion -- is this notion that we should function sort of like Karl Rove, where we -- we identify our core base, we throw 'em red meat, we get a 50-plus-one, uhhh, victory. See, Karl Rove doesn't need a broad consensus because he doesn't believe in government. If we want to transform the country, though, that requires a -- a sizeable majority.
RUSH: So once again here is Obama as a Senator wailing, whining, and moaning about how the Republicans were trying to get things done with 51 votes, and if you're gonna transform the country, you need 60. You can't just trash the Senate rules. This is from 2007, Obama in Chicago at the Change to Win Convention.
OBAMA 2007: The bottom line is is that our health care plans are similar. The question, once again, is: Who can get it done? Who can build a movement for change? This is an area where we're going to have to have a 60% majority in the Senate and the House in order to actually get a bill to my desk. We're going to have to have a majority to get a bill to my desk that is not just a 50-plus-one majority.
RUSH: This is Obama. Now, this is just three years ago in the early, early days of his potential campaign. "We're going to have to get a 60% majority." He wasn't saying he wanted that. He was saying it was necessary, that it was necessary. Well, of course now, none of this matters. All of this is nothing new, either. It's just more blatant, pure hypocrisy which these people do and commit daily, multiple times each day. October 9th, 2007, Concord, New Hampshire, the Concord Monitor editorial board interviewed Obama.
OBAMA 2007: You gotta break out of what I call the sort of 50-plus-one pattern of presidential politics. Maybe you eke out a victory with 50-plus-one but you can't govern. You know, you get Air Force One and a lot of nice perks as president but you can't -- you can't deliver on health -- we're not going to pass universal health care with a -- with a 50-plus-one strategy.
RUSH: So there you go. Numerous times, Barack Obama saying, "It's not right, 51%, a 51-vote majority? No. We're going to be transformative. We're going to need a supermajority." Now, all this is in the context of wailing, whining, and moaning at the Republicans by saying, "Well, they may have these majorities but they're not strong enough to do everything that they want to do. Bush doesn't have this kind of power. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with this. He doesn't have that kind of power." Well, guess what? Obama had it. Obama had his 60 votes in the Senate, and he still couldn't get this done. He's got 59 votes in the Senate. He still can't get this done. Unless he blows up the very rules he was suggesting should never, ever be violated five years ago, four years ago, three years ago, and even two years ago.
RUSH: I really want to apologize, ladies and gentlemen, for playing Obama's words. I feel horrible about that and I sincerely apologize to all of you for playing Obama's words. They were never intended to be taken seriously back in 2005, '6, '7, '8, they were only meant to sound serious. Nothing that Obama says is meant to be taken seriously. I really apologize for playing this.
RUSH: By the way, from the Congressional Record, December 20th, 2005, then Senator Barack Obama: "Under the rules, the reconciliation process does not permit that debate. Reconciliation is therefore the wrong place for policy changes. In short, the reconciliation process appears to have lost its proper meaning: A vehicle designed for deficit reduction and fiscal responsibility has been hijacked." Barack Obama talking about what he's going to do to pass his health care bill.
Read the Background Material... |
| Obama 'American Agenda' Flashback: Dems Should Not Pass Healthcare With a 50-Plus-1 Strategy FHF: Ted Kennedy on HMOs: Then and Now |
RUSH: Suzanne in Benton Harbor, Michigan, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.
CALLER: Hi, Rush!
RUSH: Hey.
CALLER: I'm so thrilled to talk to you.
RUSH: Thank you.
CALLER: My question is, if they manage to get this reconciliation pushed through -- other than of course, you know, a lot of Democrats losing their seats -- what do you think is going to happen at that point and what kind of recourse do we have? As citizens do we have any way to fight this on our own?
RUSH: At the ballot box first and foremost, but you mean if this actually gets written into law and signed by Obama, what can we do?
CALLER: Right. If they get this health care pushed through the way they're talking about it now with this reconciliation process, what do you think is going to be the next phase or the next step? What do you think happens next?
RUSH: I actually shudder to think.
CALLER: (chuckles)
RUSH: I don't think any of these people in Washington understand the depth of anger and outrage over how this is being done and what is being done. The absolute, total, in-your-face governance of the president and his party. Senator Tom Coburn was asked this question by a reporter at Fox the other day, and the reporter said, "Look, the Democrats are committing suicide. Why not let 'em have this bill? Let 'em have it and let 'em lose big and then when you guys get power back in November, just start tearing it apart." He said, "That sounds great, but rolling back big pieces of legislation like this is really, really hard." He didn't say why, but let me ask you: Are you aware of any entitlement that's ever been streamlined, reduced, canceled, or rolled back?
CALLER: No. No, and I'm terrified of what's going to happen if this gets through. I have two children, and my husband has been through two jobs in the last couple years, and we have gone without insurance, and I know what it's like, and I am still just absolutely furious over this, that it's being shoved down my throat.
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: I feel helpless, and I don't know if there's any way to fight it. I mean, other than voting. But, you know, by November, it may be too late.
RUSH: Well, we'll see. I still am not convinced they have the ability to get this done, 'cause if we adopt that attitude then there's a natural sense of finality that steps in and the passionate opposition to it recedes. That can't be allowed to happen. I don't think they're anywhere near actually getting it done.
RUSH: Okay, Mike in Marion, Iowa, it's great to have you on the EIB Network, sir. Hello.
CALLER: Yeah, thanks Rush. Mega dittos from the frozen tundra of eastern, east-central Iowa.
RUSH: Yeah. Well, somebody has to be there.
CALLER: Yes. (laughs) It's great. My question is: What bill are the Democrats talking about reconciling? Is it HR-3200?
RUSH: It's the House bill.
CALLER: Okay. Well, that's HR-3200.
RUSH: Yeah. There's not a new one.
RUSH: This whole reconciliation route, it's a confusing term because the actual term is "budget reconciliation," and it is an exception to the 60-vote requirement in the Senate, which is a Senate rule, a long-standing Senate rule, and it is used only for items that have budgetary consequences because the Constitution requires that. So they made an exception to the 60-vote rule.
RUSH: Now, Tom Harkin, senator from Iowa, your blowhard senator, told The Politico this afternoon that Senate Democrat leaders (and this is no surprise) have decided to go the reconciliation route. So here's what he said is going to happen. The House will first pass the Senate bill after Senate leaders demonstrate to House leaders that they have the votes to pass reconciliation in the Senate. So as I understand this, the House goes first, and they -- without conference committee, without making any changes in it -- will pass the Senate bill. Therefore, a new bill will be coming out of the House. That bill will then go to the Senate, where instead of a conference they will use reconciliation to add things to it that were not in it originally such as the public option or whatever else the House Democrats want to really beef it up. But they'll do it item by item by item, and the Republicans will then have the opportunity to object and demand amendments and so forth, call for parliamentary points of order, parliamentarian rulings. If Biden doesn't like the rule, he can overrule the parliamentarian. It can take a long time. It's going to be a bloody process, and once you free the Republicans from the 60-vote business, then it's a little easier for them to slow it down by just putting thumbtacks in the road at every attempt to reconcile the House bill that the Senate engages in. So if Harkin has this right, they're essentially going to be reconciling their own bill after the House passes it.
CALLER: Okay. I saw [Former Senator] Rick Santorum on Fox News last night --
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: -- and he had said the only thing the Republicans can really do is just add amendment after amendment after amendment and then they'll go through their processes of getting rid of them, but all they can really do is try and slow it down that way.
RUSH: That's pretty much true. I have to tell you something. I don't normally go off on this kind of a tangent, but so many DC pundits over the past three months (including some of the Fox All Stars) pooh-poohed all this talk of reconciliation. "They'll never do reconciliation. They'll never do that. That's just a bunch of talk radio lingo. They'll never do reconciliation," and here we are. The door has just been opened to reconciliation. Look, I hope I have not confused you more with this explanation.
CALLER: Well, no, I'm not confused. I was just curious because the reconciliation process is through the Senate. So that means they have to have a bill to do that. They've already passed their one Senate bill that they have, so then it has to be HR-3200. That's the one that they're going to do.
RUSH: Well, no. That may not be the case, and I'm going to double-check this, because I'm just going on what Harkin said here to the Politico.
CALLER: All right.
RUSH: The House will first pass the Senate bill.
RUSH: Which, again, if I'm reading that right, HR-3200 is history. The Senate bill becomes the House bill. That new House bill, which is just the original Senate bill, then goes back to the Senate and then they start adding all the dirt to it --
RUSH: -- that the House bill had but they couldn't pass in a conference committee. The Democrats couldn't agree on those two bills. They had a House bill and a Senate bill -- 3200, you're saying and whatever the Senate bill number was -- and the Republicans couldn't stop either one up until Scott Brown came along. They couldn't agree on a lot of this. That's why they're going reconciliation. There's one minor potential pratfall here, and that is the level of distrust that exists between the Democrats in the House and the Senate. As I said earlier, "The House went first on cap and trade, the House went first on this, and they took all the heat because they're the ones that put the communism in the bill." Let me rephrase that. They're the ones that intensified and amplified the communism in the bill.
And the Senate said, "Ah, gee, we're not going to get that."
That's when you had Mary Landrieu and Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson saying, "Public option? No way."
"Okay, okay, how about a Cornhusker Kickback for your vote?"
"Oh, okay."
"And Mary, how about a Louisiana Purchase? We'll exempt you from all of our punitive Medicare expenses. Louisiana and Nebraska won't have to pay 'em."
"Okay, we'll take it."
And Schwarzenegger said (impression), "Vell, vat about me?"
And they said, "Screw you! You're Republican."
In name only. So the history of this is you didn't have two bills that could be conferenced in the normal procedure, and after they were put together you would not get 60 votes on that final bill in the Senate. That's why we're here, and then when Scott Brown won the election, bye-bye 60 votes. So no 60 votes ceased to be a factor because they didn't have them. I mean, the real history of this is the American people through their elected representatives -- in election after election after election and vote after vote after vote -- have rejected this every which way possible, but that doesn't mean anything to our young, unqualified president. He wants this, and despite the fact that he has said we should never change Senate rules for policy legislation. Never! That's tearing at the fabric of what the Founders said, here he is doing it today. So a brief history, just to help maybe... This is what we don't here is we make the complex understandable.
So the House passed the health care bill that had every, every, every destructive element Obama wanted in it. You lose your insurance coverage, public option, bye-bye insurance companies in the private sector. It had it all. Single payer. It was all there. The Senate tried to do the same thing. The problem was Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, a couple others, and Olympia Snowe said, "Public option? There's no way I'm voting for that." So they couldn't get 60 votes in the Senate for an identical House bill. So they got a different bill, a watered-down version of the Senate bill. It was time to compromise, time to go to the conference committee. There were big-time arguments. It wouldn't happen. Even if they came to some sort of agreement, they'd still have to go back to the Senate and get 60 votes again on the conferenced bill, the compromise between the two houses.
Once again Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu said, "No. We're not going public option," and it stalled, and it stalled, and then Scott Brown was elected. And that takes 60 votes off the table. So they can't use normal rules. They were stopped dead in their tracks. It was finished. They were crying, "Oh-ho no! We're going to lose it for another ten years. We can't go back!" (sobbing) Obama said, "We're going to do it." So they started talking about reconciliation (while denying they were they were talking about reconciliation) and all the media pundits in Washington said, "Ah, there will never be reconciliation." So what's going to happen now is, the Senate bill that is watered down at this point... The Senate bill does not have the public option. The Senate bill doesn't have half of what Obama said today. Now, it's key to know this. What Obama said in his speech today has never passed a joint session of Congress, meaning a Senate-House conference compromise.
It has never passed. It couldn't get 60 votes. That's the whole reason we're at this stage. So here's the trick. The House has got to trust the Senate. The House will pass the Senate bill. They'll send it over there as though there's no House bill. Nancy Pelosi is going to rubber stamp it. It doesn't have public option in it, ostensibly. It doesn't have all these things in it. They may strip out the Cornhusker Kickback but I think Landrieu is going to get her deal still. So in essence what is the Senate bill will become the House bill. Then that bill goes over to the Senate and the reconciliation process where only 51 votes per amendment, per add, whatever, are necessary to pass it in a clear violation of Senate rules. So when you hear that the House bill is going to be "reconciled," it's actually the original Senate bill sent over there that they rubberstamp.
RUSH: Here's Adam in Shinnston, West Virginia. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.
CALLER: Hello, Rush. Dittos from mountaineer country.
RUSH: Thank you, sir.
CALLER: I was just wondering what your thoughts were on if the Democrats push reconciliation this week, if you think that the Republicans could repeal it and in the fall if they gain back both houses since the effects don't take effect 'til 2016. What are your thoughts on that, sir?
RUSH: Well, well, interesting question. There are two implementation dates. The implementation of all of the new tax increases and all of the new regulations start immediately. The so-called benefits, the spending, doesn't start for four years or so, or five, and that's a budget gimmick for Obama and his buddies to be able to say it comes in under a trillion dollars. So basically you're going to have ten years of taxes and six years of spending or five, whatever it is. But still, rolling it back, repealing it, I can only tell you what Coburn said. I'm going to be talking to some of these guys in the coming days because the Club for Growth meeting is down here this week and a bunch of these guys are going to be in town and I have some meetings set up and I'm going to find out what the strategery is and I'm going to find out exactly what's involved 'cause I've never seen it happen. By definition this is an entitlement and by definition an entitlement can't be touched, by definition. We can't roll back Social Security. We can't roll back Medicare or Medicaid. When you hear that 60% of the federal budget is entitlement spending, it means there can never be budget cuts in that. It's the discretionary side, which is becoming less and less and less of the budget. And this is just another one of these entitlements.
RUSH: This is Kathy in Santa Barbara next door to where Oprah lives there in one of her 25 homes. It's great to have you on the EIB Network.
CALLER: Yeah, thanking. Hi, Rush. I've spoken with you before. I'm a nurse here in Santa Barbara, and yesterday you were wondering how we get the information on the obesity rates for children in the United States.
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: School nurses do screenings, and the data is collected by the county health department. So actually anybody could combine through their county health department and get the statistics.
RUSH: Okay, so, if the Centers for Disease Control or Michelle Obama go out there and say that we got a childhood obesity problem and 70% -- whatever number, making up a number here, 70% -- of children aged eight to 16 are obese. That's an accurate figure you're telling me?
CALLER: Fairly accurate. The nurses and some of the aides and stuff help do the statistical. So in general, yes. I would say they're fairly accurate.
RUSH: All right, how obese are the nurses and therefore want to report kids who aren't obese as obese just to make themselves less conspicuous?
CALLER: How obese are the nurses in the United States?
RUSH: Yeah. Yeah.
CALLER: Uh... (laughing)
RUSH: If you have an obese person in charge judging obesity --
RUSH: -- you think there's a possibility?
CALLER: Speaking from experience, the nurses that I've work with and myself included are not obese.
RUSH: I'm not leveling accusations. I'm just asking a question: Do we know how many are obsese?
RUSH: If we know what the childhood obesity rate is do we know what the nurse obesity is of people taking the test?
CALLER: No 'cause that would be self-recording so I don't know how accurate that would be.
RUSH: See, that's my point. Thanks, Kathy, great to talk to you again.
Read the Background Material... |
ABC: Shhh, Don't Tell the First Lady: President Obama Digs In to a Southern-Style Lunch, Says He Doesn't Want 'Lectures' About Cholesterol |
Rush?....What qualifies Obama to even be our president? Where's the evidence for that?
CONSTITUENT: Mr. Congressman, don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.
AUDIENCE: (laughter and applause)
FORTNEY: Thank you but I wouldn't dignify you by, uh, peeing on your leg. I don't -- It wouldn't be worth wasting the urine.
RUSH: Were you able to hear that? That was Fortney "Pete" Stark saying to a constituent, "Thank you, but I wouldn't dignify you by peeing on your leg. It wouldn't be worth wasting the urine." So this is like the modern Democrat Party. And of course, ladies and gentlemen, the template in Washington is, "Damn Republicans! They refuse to be bipartisan, refuse to help President Obama."
Read the Background Material... |
The Hill: Rep. Stark to Constituent: I Won't 'Waste' Urine to Pee on Your Leg |
JFK TOWER (Child): JetBlue 171 cleared for take-off.
PILOT: Cleared for take-off. JetBlue 171.
JFK TOWER (adult): That's what you get guys when the kids are out of school.
PILOT: (laughing) Wish I could bring my kid to work.
JFK TOWER (Child): JetBlue 171 contact departure.
PILOT: Over to departure JetBlue 171, awesome job.
JFK TOWER (Child): 403 cleared for take-off.
PILOT: 403 cleared for take-off. Have a great day.
JFK TOWER (Child): Aeromex 403, contact departure, adios amigo!
PILOT: Contact departure 403, adios.
RUSH: Okay, so a kid, how old is this kid? It's an unidentified kid, probably the son of one of the controllers being told what to say, so you got a kid, inexperienced, not qualified, not trained, no experience, no prior experience, telling airplanes when to cross runways, when to take off, when to land, even speaking to them in Spanish and everybody's all out of whack here. Folks, don't you understand? This is where we end up when we elect another kid to direct the whole country. This kid in the air traffic control sounds more confident and more competent about what he's doing than Obama. So we got, what, a 45-year-old kid directing the country. They put a little kid in the air traffic control tower and people have a fit. Not I, ladies and gentlemen. I'm all for opportunity for the youth of America. Kid did fine to me, sounded fine to me. Of course the parent, the air traffic controller has been suspended here.
RUSH: Look, folks, I'm getting e-mails here: "You can't be serious. You don't see anything wrong with a five-year-old in the air traffic control tower?" Ladies and gentlemen, I was simply trying to make an illustration. What's the difference in totally unqualified kid in a control tower to Barack Obama in the Oval Office? Now, there was an Aeroflot disaster. That's a Russian airline. They served vodka in the cockpit on that airline. (laughing) (Look, if you lived there, that would be your high point.) There was an Aeroflot disaster sometime in the '90s. Two hundred people were killed when the pilot let his 15-year-old son take the stick for a few minutes, and the kid made a turn that the plane could not recover from -- which is, again, another analogy for the Obama presidency.
A kid takes control of the wheel, makes a turn that the country can't recover from. That's where we're headed.
Thankfully the United States of America is a little bit more durable than an Aeroflot Russian-made jetliner. By the way, Dmitry Medvedev, who is the president of Russia, is livid over their pathetic performance in the Olympics and is demanding everybody involved resign and if they don't they'll be shot -- uh, fired. This is the worst Winter Olympics they've had. They used to own it. You know, back in the old Soviet Union days where the East German women were men -- you couldn't tell the difference. Back in the Erich Honecker days, oh, those were great days. I mean, you talk about human growth hormone? Ha!
Our athletes today have no clue what human growth hormone is compared to what the Soviets were doing, and still our amateur hockey players beat the Soviet Red Army. But the East German women, for crying out loud, they had thighs bigger than John Daly's waist, and everybody commented on it, but there was nothing anybody could do because they were the Soviets and they were going to do whatever they wanted to do. But of course, ladies and gentlemen, it's wrong for a little kid to be in the control tower. But I do say, I'll tell you this: If that air traffic controller had brought his daughter in there, nobody would say a word. Take Your Daughter to Work Day, remember that? If he brought a little girl in there (child impression), "Aeroflot 450, please cross the runway right now. Contact departure," oh, the feminazis would be having a great day here. Everybody would be celebrating here, the emancipation of women. There wouldn't be one complaint at all.
Read the Background Material... |
FOXNews: Kid at JFK Clears for Takeoff? |
Are you a Carbonite shareholder?
I have a contract with Limbaugh to include his ads when his worshipers rip off his content.
Oh, Lord, Rush has got to start using the classic “Who’s on first?” clip as the “theme song” for this reconciliation, which body votes first garbage.
Just like his “not a dime’s worth of difference” gong, Rush needs to use the classic bit for a “Who’s on first?” gong.
I’m going to go look for the clip right now!
“”If the Democrats are going to violate the budget reconciliation process, then shut the damn place down.
Shut it down. It’s time to take a serious stand. There’s enough talk that’s gone on now.”
I’d give my right hand for Rush to be POTUS.
Indeed, it’s time.
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