This is a hit piece on the Tea Party - trying to tie them with a 9-11 truther nutcase like Medina.
Exactly, this same rag jumped on tying Stack (the IRS terrorist) to the tea parties as well and completely ignored he was a Marx quoting lefty.
It’s actually not a hit piece.
The last McKinney Tea Party meeting (post Beck) had massive support for Medina. Every single 9-12 group and Tea Party correspondence I get is highly in favor of Medina in this area. They know she is a Constitutional/State Sovereignty candidate.
So, in my region -— North Texas -— she has the support of many in the Tea Party.
I think you’re right. The left has tried this in many places. Too bad they can always find some kook to do their bidding.
I totally agree with you. The media has to find a way to discredit and disban the TPers.