Believers in general may not have the authority, but we have an obligation to warn someone we love who is going off the cliff to oblivion, of the consequences. Otherwise we will stand before God one day, and He will say, "why didn't you do something?" What would we say then? It was his (or her) priest's job??
Nonetheless, all those who are in authority just have to consult the Bible in matters of discipline, and God's Word will tell them what they need to do, and how to do it.
Judgment begins in the House of God, and we are definitely seeing evidence of that.
I think you're going off on me here. I didn't say that Speaker Pelosi should not be roundly rebuked, loudly and often, for her distinctly heretical and probably d@mnable opinions. She should be criticized publicly and often for saying that what she is espousing represents Church doctrine, when it is precisely not Church doctrine. But that's about as far as we can go. If she will not hear us, then she wouldn't believe a man, if He were to rise from the dead.