Boehner voted no, Cantor yes.
Here’s the rest who voted no.
Steve Buyer (R-IN),
Todd Tiahrt (R-KS),
Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI),
Paul Ryan (R-WI),
Tom Price (R-GA),
Ron Paul (R-TX),
Jerry Moran (R-KS),
John Linder (R-GA),
Doug Lamborn (R-CO),
Steve King (R-IA),
Lynn Jenkins (R-KS),
Jim Jordan (R-OH),
Scott Garrett (R-NJ),
Trent Franks (R-AZ),
Paul Broun (R-GA),
Kevin Brady (R-TX)
Todd Akin (R-MO).
Follow the money trail to find out why. My guess is that just one or two Ins. Co.s are big donors to this group.
So people like Tom Price, who really understands what this exemption does, voted against it. I’m not surprised.
People, this exemption is there so that companies can share actuarial data so that they can better compute rates. With out that data, actuarial uncertainty increases, therefore risk increases, therefore rates increase.
Since Sensenbrenner and Ron Paul voted against it, it will cost us money.
What it does is allow the federal government to accuse the insurance companies of charging illegal prices (too little, and it’s illegal cut-throat competition, too much and it’s price-gouging, the same as everybody else, and it’s price-fixing).
What it does is make it illegal for different insurance companies to cooperate, and thus violates the First Amendment rights that the U.S. Supreme Court just returned to corporations.