Please explain your optimism. What structural defects have responsibly proposed to be fixed?
False or misplaced optimism is one of the beefs that I have with Rush. The it’s-a-great-country-and-therefore-it-will-again faith is only faith, and falls short when there are no concrete reasons for it.
I’ve not been a permanent doomsayer, and actually put cold water on the notion during March 2009 was the end of the world. (In fact, there is still a modicum of slack and finacial gimmicks left that will prolong the inevitable.) However, baby steps that Republicans are poised to make are laughably inadequate; brasher, more radical steps are required.
Because I’m a pragmatist, I agree that Americans are not ready for the cure. But that also explains my pessimism. Essentially they need a 2x4 to their heads. So why should I waste my time with some lame political participation if it has no practical effect?
Look at where we are from one year ago. People are waking up. Folks who’ve been apolitical their entire lives are talking about the constitution, wanting to get government off their backs. The election this Nov. is crucial. We are working to get better candidates into office. With a huge win we can actually do some of the things we’ve longed hope for(with the will of the people). We’ll do it within the framework of the Republican party or we will squander this great opportunity.