While I have not read any of Zinn’s work, I recognize the type from the columnist’s description of the trip to DisneyWorld’s porta-pots. I experienced this type of historical approach in the text for the required course in Oklahoma History when my children were in high school. I had a vigorous discussion with the teacher about text selection but it seems there is a dearth of high school level texts from which to choose in such a narrow field. Thankfully, there are other choices for American History.
The columnist used the term “anti-intellectual” to describe Zinn’s approach and illustrated it with some Zinn quotes. I’m puzzled by those who would so vigorously pursue an education only to arrive at an “anti-intellectual” worldview. Guess that takes me out of the running for a Mensa membership...
” Im puzzled by those who would so vigorously pursue an education only to arrive at an anti-intellectual worldview.”
Hitler and his followers urged people to reject the intellectual, logic and rationality, and instead to “think in blood.” (Embrace blind emotionalism.) The leftist herd in America is following der fuhrer’s admonition. Sooner or later, we need to realize that we will never enjoy a modicum of freedom as long as these fascist followers are in positions of power.