Disgusting on the one hand, on the other one is moved to ask “most sarcastically”, So?
They are fetuses not babies....right?
as such, they nothing more than tissue cast offs much like having a period and tossing the tampax in the garbage.
If abortion is so enshrined as a right of the woman, then how is a story, in any way, shape, form or fashion?
Are the newscasters having a conscionsus against Roe v Wade?
Are the police protecting anything here? If, after all, a fetus is merely unwanted tissue, then there is no crime of conscious, morals or against the state.
The abortion clinic was merely preserving some of their “garbage” for corporate promotion and as a benefit to their customers.
“Look here! We killed this fetus, “or rather, we removed this tissue from a woman who was so injured or offended by its prescence and wanted to keep it for posterity to show the good work we do”.
“Come on in. First come, first serve”. “Your womb is our work bay”.
Objections? Tell a mod.