Run away? Why on earth should they do that? This is a great opportunity. Obama is showing weakness by calling for this meeting. He can't get Democrats to go along, he can't bribe or blackmail Republicans, public support has been dropping since he started this campaign and now he is forced to use the prestige of the office to get his message out.
The key is he can't use his popularity, he can't use his image to get what he wants. He's not popular and his image stinks. He's fallen back to the only thing he has....the office.
GOP goes in ...this is what is wrong...this is what the American people want...bam...bam...bam...the media has to report it. People agree with the GOP. The sale has been made.
If they run away, that will be the story. Obama tried to "reach out" and was rejected. The GOP is scared. Republicans don't want to talk. Republicans snubbed the office of the presidency.
the media already have written their coverage...they will NOT report anyhting positive about the GOP....Moogly is a lia and this is just a trap.
the media already have written their coverage...they will NOT report anything positive about the GOP....Moogly is a liar and this is just a trap.