"Well the circumstances around the arrests clearly point to politically motivated charges. The two activists as soon as they intercepted the whale meat and documented it they handed it over to the Tokyo prosecutors and staged a press conference. The Tokyo prosecution said it would have a look and start an investigation. Twenty three days later when the two were arrested and investigation into the whale meat embezzlement were dropped. So on the same day that the two activists were charged, investigations into whale meat embezzlement scandal which the activists spurred, were dropped. So it can hardly be seen as a coincidence."
So the more you look into this stuff, the less Paul Watson looks like a terrorist compared to Japan, you see. In fact The Australian government has thought very carefully about this issue and in the last week or so has come to the conclusion thay Australia will pursue before the International Whaling Commission a proposal which would see whaling in the Great Southern Oceans phased out over a reasonable period of time. And that is a position that we will put formally to the International Whaling Commission in the very near future. We would hope that we could get agreement to that position but as the Prime Minister and I have made clear in the past, if we can't get agreement to that position, then Australian would propose to seek to have that matter arbitated for internationally.
Japan consistently does not follow any laws in this regard but does whatever they want when it suits them. So my choice would be for Paul Watson as the lesser of the two in terms of evil.