CPAC highlighted the commie infiltration of the Republican Party like we couldn't have done with a billion dollar advertising budget:
1) Ron Paul's barking moonbats with their "America Loses" foreign policy and willingness to hand the country over to Obama rather than actually win any elections.
2) Romney's global communist Free Traitor agenda, and his staff's covert media and blog attacks against conservative Republicans (most notably against Sarah Palin).
3) GOProud's gay agenda following their vicious media and blog attacks against conservative Republicans (most notably against Sarah Palin).
CPAC RINOs are not representative of even 10% of the party.
Ron Paul’s Libertarians are taking OVER the Republican Party and the Republican Party is letting them because they are MODERATES! They will soon out number Conservatives and thats the way they like it!!
Libertarians for the most part are OPEN BORDERS, Pro-GAY Pro Aborts