“I see your true Paultard streak is coming out here, Rabs.”
Yes, pay no attention to the actual words of Palin and instead let’s attack the messengers.
What exactly about Rabs post was a lie? If Palin wants to come out against ANY kind of amnesty than she has every opportunity to do so with all her speeches, interviews and Fox News gig. But she doesn’t. She waffles, obfuscates, misdirects and in effect refuses to answer the question she’s asked.
When Palin is forced to answer, there is going to be another huge let down among her middlin’ supporters but her die hards will just spin it as a “brilliant manuever” as they did with the McCain endorsement.
There is no middle ground on Palin here at FR anymore, you’re either with then or against them.
IMO a decidedly UNconservative position. For years people have complained about the GOP forcing candidates down throats and now the same people who complained are forcing Palin down ours.
Et tu Brute?
She is playing all sides. That's why she endorsed a libertarian/Constitutionalist (Rand Paul) and a statist RINO (McCain) while giving money to the RINO's lap dog (Graham).
Unfortunately, one can not try to walk two divergent paths simultaneously without falling down.
Bob, you truly have lost it, you are now siding with antiwar nutbars in your efforts to attack Palin.
Glad to see you’ve joined the anti-war paultards.
Oh, and Bob, you moron, amnesty was not the subject of the original post, the defense budget and the WOT is. Show me where on this thread I have commented on the amnesty change of subject that was introduced.
“What exactly about Rabs post was a lie? If Palin wants to come out against ANY kind of amnesty than she has every opportunity to do so with all her speeches, interviews and Fox News gig. But she doesnt. She waffles, obfuscates, misdirects and in effect refuses to answer the question shes asked.”
Palin has had 6 major interviews, where she was asked about amnesty, from Hannity to Lars Larson, and every time she “waffled, obfuscated, and misdirected”. To me, she is as phony as a 6 dollar bill. Her campaigning for McCain against Hayworth sealed it for me.