"He bemoaned the fact that there was no place for pragmatic moderates to go," Ceisler said. "In the end, he got fed up with it all." It is good news that there is no place for the 'pragmatic moderates' to go. We are better off with a highly polarized Congress that is paralyzed by gridlock, unable to pass anything serious, than we would be with a Congress full of "moderates" who are slowly legislating the road to Socialism. Which is what we had before. These so-alled "moderates" are always compromising so as to pass "solutions to the nation's problems," all of which somehow involve enlarging government and raising taxes. We really can't afford any more government solutions to our problems. It's not like government is the only source of "solutions." Not by a long shot. It's time to let innovation and adaptive change fashion solutions, which are the only kind that ever work anyway. The government-run "solutions" always fritter away the money and make things worse. Screw the "moderates," their compromises, and their "pragmatic solutions." They are the reason that government has gotten as big as it is. We need no more of them. |
The democratic party went to san francisco and turned left. They are a party that hates traditional American values, free enterprise, achievement, Godliness, or anything that smacks of morality. They were born of the communes from the 60’s and pot-smoking university professors. Decent democrats like Reagan, Kirkpatrick, Zell miller, and now Bayh have left the party in droves. Don’t make the mistake of thinking the milk toast GOP is the answer either. The best thing to come along in years in the Tea Party movement and participants like Palin, Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, etc.
Is Bayh moderate? How many of Obamas goofiness did he vote for?
The Pennsylvania papers made up a 'scandal' about Santorum 'not living in his district', because he spent time in D.C. They hammered on this non-issue so much I began to suspect that Santorum was squeaky clean and there was no other dirt the papers could dig up on him.
No, its called rats being the first to leave a sinking ship...
Out of 100 Senators the democrats select the absolute furthest one to the left who is an rabid ideologue and then wonder why there isn’t centrist consensus...well, if you had a centrist government maybe there’d be a chance for that...but as it is, the democrats have created an unworkable concoction.