Argue the other side. What unintended adverse consequences will occur? Don't say you don't know. You've already prophesied it will be wonderful on at least two counts. Now think critically about adverse consequences.
- Homosexual linguists, etc., will no longer be able to break their enlistment contracts by coming out and attain much higher paying employment with defense contractors. This will hurt their morale.
- Fag-bashing bigots will have an easier time finding their targets. I hope there are no such bigots and traitors--yes, assaulting your colleague because of his sexual orientation is base betrayal--in the military, but it's possible.
- They'd add another unit to POSH/EO training, probably five or six slides. It would be boring.
- I've seen reports that 10-14% would refuse to re-enlist solely because of DADT's repeal. I doubt it.
- Some commanders, overcome with enthusiasm for the new, more liberal age, may put on gay pride parades. This would be bad for traffic flow.
Did I miss anything? Oh yeah, rape parties in the showers, quayres mincing about the drill field in stilettos and boas, and men getting molested in their foxholes.