Some day America will come to learn that they elected their first Communist President in November, 2008. They do not understand this now, thanks in large part for the refusal of the American press establishment to inform them of what they knew and what could be easily learned by your average cub reporter.
The bottom line is that Obama did not want American to know, and the press did not want America to know. They both worked hard to ensure that the sordid details of his life were kept concealed. Not completely unknown, but clearly concealed from the average American voter. American has elected a Communist, but they did not know what they were doing. Once they figure out what they have done, they will not reelect him.
Damn straight.
The commies have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, and have successfully cowed the GOP country clubbers in DC to avoid calling the Congressional "Progressive" Caucus the "Congressional COMMUNIST Caucus".
It's on, and time to choose sides, JOE MCCARTHY WAS RIGHT, time to fight these red sons of bitches on our terms.
“American has elected a Communist, but they did not know what they were doing. Once they figure out what they have done, they will not reelect him.”
Are you sure?
There are lots of Americans who don’t think Communism is evil. They think a little bit of Communism and Socialism is no big deal.