Single moms should not be in the military in the first place.
Finally, some good news for the single mother cook that wouldn’t deploy.
The Army has plenty of cooks. Raise your boy well.
I hope he survives growing up in Oakland.
Didn’t John Kerry get an “other than honorable” discharge?
This strikes me as a fair result in a very difficult case both for the Army and her. I also think, however, she will find that she has not exactly enhanced her resume by her behavior and she could have a very difficult time finding work in this recession.
Amen to that! I dunno if there’s any truth to the rumors that the military is being turned into a jobs/welfare program for unwed mothers but I’d like to know if anyone is out there tracking the stats and expenses.
I hate to sound un-PC but in most employment instances I’ve seen single mothers are not worth the trouble of hiring for most jobs. We could use an administration with the guts to discharge single women for that offense which was called in the ancient WAC-era “PWOP” (pregnant-without-permission).
“”...but she will not be court-martialed, her attorney said Thursday.
Alexis Hutchinson, 21, had faced criminal charges at a court-martial for ....””
did the same person write the first and second sentences?
What we need is an Army of women who will all come up pregnant when TSHTF
She’s missing the war to have her mother raise the bastard
This is a bunch of horsecrap. The Army needs to send a message and put her ass in jail. She’s lucky they didnt charge her with desertion. She knew she was deployable when she enlisted, and it aint the Army’s job to worry about childcare for her. How about all the single fathers out there, any of them refuse to deploy? Bet if they did, they would be in jail right now....
I’m bowled over. The comments for this story in SFChronic are indistinguishable in tone from the ones here. Things are a-changing.
She almost certainly thought having the kid would buy her immunity from deployment. It’s long been a given that women servicemembers have been routinely getting knocked up to get out of an overseas tour.
This is going to send out shockwaves. I only hope Obammy doesn’t put his oar in.
Too much money wasted keeping her so long
Not everyone in a particular unit is deployed. Why not have her be one of the ones that stays behind?
I dunno.....I thought that when you serve in the military, you go where they tell you to go, you serve where you’re mean, they can say no, I’d rather stay home, send someone else?
1 rule that should be enforced without excpetion:
Each military dependent child must have one custodial parent who is not in any branch or component of the armed services.
Ensuring each child has at least one parent present MUST take priority and MUST NOT interfere with military operations. This can never be the case when both parents are subject to activation or deployment.
If you get a divorce or are widowed, you need to find a new career. The military is a war fighting machine, not a social services agency.
If this was the rule, then it would be very easy to accomodate the true exceptions when a soldier should not deploy because his spouse is in the hospital with cancer or some other unexpected catastrophy.
would a male be coddled so?
No not for me. I don’t really feel the anger.
Sounds to me that she planned to go, but the bottom fell out at the last minute.
Her problem was taking matters into her own hands and missing movement. That is bad juju.
Had she gone to family services or even TDS, she may have learned other options. You can request a hardship discharge for example. There is more to this than we know, methinks.
The OTH is bad. They pack you up, put you outside the base, and say see-ya. And there is no unemployment or severance. But, most civilian employers don’t care about a DD214, so hopefully, that won’t affect her much.
BTW the Military is currently over manned and has a huge waiting list. If you are in and even sneeze the wrong way, they will put you out. They have nothing to lose. They have plenty of people.
Will she now become an Army of One?
Intentionally getting pregnant sounds like a self-injury to me.
Sorry, no sympathy on my part. She created the situation herself.
Of course her unit would also need the Armored Crib Humvee and ...........