I do wonder why we aren’t allowed to wonder about the events of 911.
I mean we know the government lies cheats steals etc... when it comes to everyday affairs. Most of us don’t trust the government to do a competent job at anything - but on this one issue - we have to accept whatever we are told?
We can’t have any questions at all - or else we are kooks?
Doesn’t make sense to me.
That's exactly asking the question makes one a kook. The government is simply not competent to pull off an attack of that magnitude and have there be no evidence of it for 8 years, no witnesses, and no whistle-blowers.
How on Earth can you think there’s any doubt whatsoever that Saudi Arabian Muslim terrorist hijacked those planes and flew them into the Twin Towers??
We have their flight school info, their activities in the US, we have actual FOOTAGE of the planes flying into the towers, we have dozens of phone calls from people on board the planes saying their planes have been hijacked by Muslim terrorists, what more do you want?
Plus, if you’ve ever watched TV shows about demolishing buildings by explosives it takes them MONTHS to tear out the Sheetrock and wall structures, to bore holes in all the beams and to lay explosives everywhere, it’s NOT a simple process and if the CIA had been doing that don’t you think SOMEONE would have noticed??