Could the snowpocalypse and snowmageddon become Barry’s Katrina? That may sound far fetched but the heavily populated east coast is very vulnerable to interuptions in transportation of food, fuel, etc. With the lack of snow clearing equipment and expertise around DC, things could get ugly quick if things do not improve.
Also their is another system coming ashore in California which may be taking aim at the deep south and could also make a run up the Atlantic coast. If that happens, you will see some real panic in the DC metro area.
I agree.
We are well prepared here. Even if we were getting hit like this, it wouldn’t cause nearly the problems. We’re too used to it.
Heck, where we used to live, they didn’t even break out the plows until there was 6 inches. You just drove through it.
Up in the north country, near Watertown, they don’t even bother plowing, they just pack if down and put sand on top of it and keep going. Let it melt in the spring.
Rush was saying the DC office of FEMA is closed because of the snow! ;-)