“Basically a glorified debating society with people on both sides of every issue.”
I think they would like you to believe that. I’m not buying it anymore and believe they are much more powerful than we’ve been led to believe. Our country is being ruined by PROGRESSIVISM.....BIPARTISAN PROGRESSIVISM...that is leading us in the direction of a New World Order.
I can’t think of any other “glorified ‘debating’ society with people on both sides of every issue,”...that has, single-handedly, managed to get elected from their membership roster, as many U.S. Presidents.
Of course there are influencial people in the CFR. That’s the point; to get influencial people on each side of the issue to debate.
I get their magazine. It’s point-counter-point, and takes no sides.
It’s not bipartisan; they just agree to debate the issues in a civil manner.