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To: outpostinmass2
A moonbat has a meltdown over moon exploration.

While the author was a tad harsh in his critique, he made a lot of excellent points. On the other hand, you merely called him a name and mischaracterized his essay.

Perhaps, yes, we are hard-wired to hike to the top of the hill to peer into the next valley, or sail on the ocean until land recedes from the horizon. But that doesn’t mean we have to spend billions of dollars a year groping in the cosmos so that thousands of bureaucrats can keep their jobs. Bumbling in space costs money this family doesn’t have.

Our government needs to understand that there is no glorious future in space because they already spent it generations ago. As long as the welfare recipient is clogging the line in Wal-Mart, wasting my precious life because she did not select the precisely correct kind of generic condensed orange juice or the 2% milk instead of the approved whole milk, I refuse to think grandiose thoughts about sending some slick {retracted for profanity} astronaut to Mars.

And another thing, if the moon were made of purest refined plutonioum (much less cheese), it would still not be profitable with current technology to go fetch it. If we survive the Great Socialist Economic Implosion, then NASA resources should be spent on finding the cheapest way possible out of the gravity well and making it cheaper. We need a Northwest Passage or a Panama Canal at least, into space.

53 posted on 02/09/2010 10:55:36 AM PST by Theophilus (Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?)
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To: Theophilus
If you had read some of Alex Beam's other articles you might have understood my short summarization. In his last article he called on lawyers to protest WRKO radio during their FCC license renewal for their biased coverage of the Mass. State Senate race. I have reread the essay and I would counteract a lot of the points he made were silly and without merit. The amount of money spent on space exploration is a mere pittance when compared to the research grants sent to universities that bear minimal results. The current administration wants to invest millions into “green” technology, which is not clearly defined, without a protest from Mr. Beam. Alex Beam has never protested any government program with this kind of vigor that he has showed in this article. In short my simple and yet short summation that I originally wrote is appropriate for the subject and author for this weakly written argument.
54 posted on 02/09/2010 11:58:14 AM PST by outpostinmass2
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