Now he is a partner in a private equity fund called Vantage Point Venture Partners, and they have invested in a windmill company called FloDesign, among other green companies. So he bangs the drum about planetary climate devastation, but if you buy his windmill the world will be saved. He is shilling to make money under the guise of being a savior to the planet. Gore is the same way. They should stop criticizing Exxon as a first step in the long 12 step program back from ugly hypocrisy.
Bobby, if you are listening, here is an interesting statistic concerning wind power: It takes an average of 3.3 metric tons per MegaWatt to build a natural gas fired plant. It takes 462 metric tons of steel per MW for a wind farm. That is because each MW of wind gets its own 20 story steel tower. Now Bobby, I know you are not technical, but do you know where steel comes from.....try coal as one of the ingredients. So the more wind you put up, the more you will flood the atmosphere with CO2 and the quicker you will bring us to the Al Gore “tipping point” which means for you, falling off the bar stool. It takes a wind farm years to break even on its CO2. Also each windmill needs a natural gas fired backup generator since the wind only blows 30% of the year. Wind power is killing our planet. Try nuclear, pebble bed or thorium, far superior and less environmental impact than destroying millions of acres and shoreline, and countless animals with steel intensive windmills.