smoking that crack again?
The pre-Christian history of the fish symbol:
The fish symbol has been used for millennia worldwide as a religious symbol associated with the Pagan Great Mother Goddess. It is the outline of her vulva. The fish symbol was often drawn by overlapping two very thin crescent moons. One represented the crescent shortly before the new moon; the other shortly after, when the moon is just visible. The Moon is the heavenly body that has long been associated with the Goddess, just as the sun is a symbol of the God.
Need I go on?... I can do this allll night
and we DO have a set of belefis. We are NOT atheists. You beleave a god lives in the heavens, I think that *several* gods live in the heavens.
Ever wonder why the domains of the angels happen to line up exactly with the domains of many pagan gods that predate them by hundreds or thousands of years? and not just nordic gods. germanic gods, egyption gods, shinto gods, etc.