I’ve been hearing all this noise about Toyotas for a while now.
I have been wondering all that time if it was in fact the Prius, because all reports I heard failed to name whichever car it happened to be.
Today is the first day I actually heard the word Prius in connection with these failings.
Let’s not celebrate too much. This is about Obama and his goons destroying Toyota to get UAW thug into tranplant non-union plants in the USA.
I doubt Toyo’s problems are anywhere near what they are claiming in the media. This is a hatchet job with the message to: Honda, BMW, Porsche, Hyundai, Nisaan, Subuaru and others making vehicles in the USA - YOU WILL ALLOW THE UAM to organize and run your factories.
I would not be celebrating. The UAW knows Chrysler and GM are dead. They killed them. The UAW parasites need new hosts to suck their blood dry.
This is what REALLY is going on.