To: Man50D
I just made it! The fact that she endorses a candidate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens among many other issues also supported by socialists makes the case!
Thank you for proving my point Palin followers are so blinded they can't see the forest for the trees.
You proved nothing.
Out of loyalty she is supporting someone who brought her to the dance, right or wrong.
It says nothing about her own positions EXCEPT in your tortured, illogical mind.
She has very clearly discussed her positions on the issues, many of them diverge from John McCain's positions.
You're painting with a way too broad of a brush and you know it!
To: SoConPubbie
Out of loyalty she is supporting someone who brought her to the dance, right or wrong.
She has very clearly discussed her positions on the issues, many of them diverge from John McCain's positions.
She endorses someone whom she disagrees with on most of the issues? How do you rationalize that concept in your head? Do you typically support candidates with whom you disagree on an overwhelming majority of the key issues?
I know she is favoring a candidate who agrees with socialists on many issues and against one who is far more Conservative.
77 posted on
02/04/2010 10:15:19 AM PST by
(Fair Tax, you earn it, you keep it!
To: SoConPubbie
“Out of loyalty she is supporting someone who brought her to the dance, right or wrong. “
Loyalty to a traitor is misplaced loyalty, to say the least.
342 posted on
02/06/2010 9:08:58 PM PST by
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