This is a big issue on so many points. As Americans we expect everyone to follow the rules (we are a nation of laws, not of men). We are expected to follow the laws of our country and depending on who you are, we get hammered for not following the laws. Try tangling with the IRS. So here we have a guy in the White house who has concealed all his records from his adult life. We are expressing a collective “WHAT THE HELL?”. All his records are important, but the birth certificate would answer the question of whether he was born on two American citizens. Since he uses the name of barak obama jr, that implies that his daddy was barak obama sr, a Kenyan, a subject of Great Britian. His refusal to settle the issue is why so many people won’t let this go. It would be a simple fix, but he continues to keep all his adult life records secret. We pay taxes that keep him in his lifestyle of the rich and famous and deserve to know if he is the legitimate president or not. We are not subjects, we are the ones who grant authority to the president. If he is not legitimate, then let’s clean up the mess and get on with life. If he is ligitimate, then prove it. But he refuses to prove his actual citizenship and keep his lawyers on retainer to keep all his records secret. The fire keeps on going and he keeps stoking the coals.
the Nat Born Citizen issue is very big. The coverup is even bigger and will become much more of an issue as Obam’s Administration continues to fail. If he does turn out to be ineligible, the Democratic Party will be wiped out....there will be blood in the streets.