Thanks. I hope Conservatives start doing more talking about this it is not as if WE the people wanted to bail them out we all called, e-mailed, etc.
People should also think about how this has affected their retirement plans, there everyday life.
Nothing but crooks and from the start I came right out and said I even had a problem with their bonus’s and the reason I did was because they were no more then Welfare Queens on a grander scale. I also knew they had donated heavily to BO and the way I looked at it was that in itself was enough to know whose side those pigs were on.
My sister had some kind of annuity set up with AIG. Projections in 2002 were that she would receive $900/mo. starting at age 65. Now the projections are $12/mo.
My sister had some kind of annuity set up with AIG. Projections in 2002 were that she would receive $900/mo. starting at age 65. Now the projections are $12/mo.