ROFLMAO!!!! The Federal goobermint is full of lazy half a$$ workers who wouldn’t last three months in the private sector.
As far as the education thing goes all’s you have to do is look at the financial reports form the goobermint where they are constantly WRONG on all projections. Some highly educated Federal employee cannot figure out that house selling is going to go down last December when we had the worst weather in decades all across the country? Please. Federal goobermint is spelled lazy, incompetent and useless.
Been to your lcoal Post office lately?
Been to the IRS office lately?
Been to the Social Security Administration lately?
Biggest bunch of incompetent f’ offs I have ever seen.
Even as a postal employee, I even hate to go to the Post Office. You’re on the money there. However, it’s not just the government sector. Have you tried to get good customer service from your cell provider, cable or satellite provider, phone company, or any other large business lately? Good luck. Customer service sucks everywhere, with a few exceptions. Small home owned businesses are usually the best, and I do business with them whenever possible.