For me, the more important question is this: if a professor who happens to be a Christian, said only 10% of what he was saying, would UCLA be quiet too?
Christians, by definition, are the close-minded remnants of the once prevalent Christendom hegemony, renowned for its patriarchal and exclusivist idealogy. Ergo, any pronouncements they make on such a topic are by definition the products of that debased and archaic philosophy. In contrast, professors who are muslim are part of the great downtrodden, and any statements or beliefs they may put forward that seem to be "non-progressive", are in fact solely the products of the cultural isolation they have endured at the hands of the dominant Judaic-Christian culture.
In next weeks lesson I will show you how warmth is the same as cold, one is the same as two, and love is a form of hate. Double-plus understand?