To: SoCalPol
Romney is a fine money manager and businessman. He should be Sec. of the Treasury or Commerce Secretary. But nothing more.
28 posted on
01/31/2010 2:29:26 PM PST by
(Only dead fish go with the flow, which explains why Congress stinks.)
To: rintense
30 posted on
01/31/2010 2:33:27 PM PST by
(Reagan Republican for Palin 2012)
To: rintense; ConjunctionJunction; Al B.; SolidWood; Leisler; greyfoxx39; Tennessee Nana; ...
31 posted on
01/31/2010 2:35:39 PM PST by
( Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum)
To: rintense
He sure is. HE saved the Olympics! Woo, de hoo!!
42 posted on
01/31/2010 2:54:09 PM PST by
Jim Robinson
(Join the TEA Party Rebellion!! May God and TEA save the Republic!!)
To: rintense
We don’t have money management problems. Those are the symptoms, the signs. Like a rash. We have a delusional, sick political class, and, a lot of fellow citizens.
We are the Democracy the founders warned us about.
48 posted on
01/31/2010 3:01:18 PM PST by
(We are in the best of hands) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson