The free market (Capitalism) did not cause this crisis, the government (Socialism) did.
The free market did not take us off the gold standard, the government did.
The free market did not dump trillions of dollars of cheap money into the system, the government did.
The free market did not create multiple trillion-dollar entitlement programs, the government did.
The free market did not create Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae and Ginnie Mae, the government did.
The free market did not write a tax code that favors one product (real estate) over others, the government did.
The free market did not destroy our public school system and graduate (or fail to graduate) generations of civically and financially illiterate citizens, the government did.
The free market did not pass laws that force banks to lend to those who do not qualify for a loan, the government did.
This crisis is the result of a giant social engineering experiment and vote-buying scheme gone tragically wrong.
The free market does not try to engineer society or buy votes, the government does.
The government caused this crisis, the free market did not.
The government cannot fix the crisis, the free market can.
I like this listing of the free market vs the horrors of socialism! I am going to use this in my weekly or bi-weekly rants to my libturd congress critter Tim Walz, resident socialist libturd bastard. Also to Sen Amy Klobuchar and (I’m ashamed to admit it) buffoon clown senator Al Frankensh_t.
It’s all BIG GOVERNMENT’S fault!!!!
Well said! Hear, Hear!!
A Toast of fine port to you!