That said, I don't believe the TEA Party movement has had as much impact as you stipulate. That would be difficult to prove or disprove. Still, I admit they have been very influential and I admire every person who participated and I thanked them on this very board for making the effort, even while saying their efforts would be for naught. Seems I was wrong on the latter...
That said, I still believe that the normal off year election pendulum swing will not reverse our course into the abyss. Yes, it can slow things down, providing the Repubs get some real cojones and start to fight hard for our Heritage instead of reaching across the isle, but they always do.
It's going to take more than a Repub majority in the House to REVERSE our slide into Marxism. Reason: people want stuff; pubbies want to be accepted; liberals want power; incumbents have the edge; the pendulum swings; the "gimmes" are growing. Do the math, Sir. Yes, we both know the House could defund...they won't. Once a tax or bureacracy or funding is put in place, most stay forever.
Yes, a slow down is good thing, but I don't believe it will last. Think Bush, Pubbie House and Senate. What did that get us but encouraging the "gimmes" to elect the marxists.
That is why I have been promoting STATES' RIGHTS for sometime now. Yes, that is also politicians, but closer to the people's will and possibly easier to affect. If enough States just say NO to DC mandates (via legislation and/or State Constitutional Amendments), we can reverse the beginning of the end of this great experiment.
There are many States now passing resolutions and legislation to re-affirm their 10th Amendment rights. If I'm wrong, great. If I'm right, than STATES' RIGHTS is the last hope before the shooting starts.
You are right, "rebellion" IS brewing. I just don't want us to hang out hats on some few politicians like Brown. I don't trust ANY politician. I see a bigger answer, and that is still STATES' RIGHTS!
I love the TEA party folks. I admire those who will get off their ass and try (you know my history). But I no longer believe in the election process, much less political parties, and even less DC demonstrations there are held every week and ignored.
I sincerely hope I'm wrong and November 2, 2010 will usher in many new Constitutional types. Maybe it will. And then what happens if they fall under the power of the old established patriarchs?
So now that I've admitted that I was wrong, can we discuss States' Rights? I still believe you to be such a supporter. We spent too many years being disgusted with politicians and promoting basic Constitutional principles. I'm not your enemy.
We are not a single-minded or single-tasking organization.
Among hundreds of others, we have sections devoted to:
States Rights:
and the SCOTUS:
as well as the Tea Party Rebellion:
If you wish to get involved, I suggest you get off your ass and turn-to!
And knock off the sniping and back stabbing. I’ve been stabbed in the back by you more times than I care to remember as you get pissed off and stomp off to the antifreepers in a huff. Quite frankly, I no longer trust you and would just as soon ignore you unless or until you produce some tangible results.