so...your answer is to ban govt. schools then? thats helpful/sarcasm.
Im no fan of public schools but they are here to stay so why not try a more reasonable solution? Maybe actually talking to your kids about words they may hear on the playground?
Large and seemingly intractable institutions can lose their legitimacy almost overnight. For example, we have our American Revolution, Martin Luther's thesis nailed to the door, or how about Martin Luther King's “I have a Dream” speech.
Government schools are utterly incompatible with **all** of the provisions in the First Amendment ( speech, press, assembly, establishment of religious worldview, and free practice of religion.) Government schools and freedom of conscience can NOT co-exist! This is a powerful idea that is gaining traction in the larger society.
And...Yes, the only solution is to begin the process of privatizing universal K-12 education.
Please remember that the most powerful things in this universe is an **idea** ( see tag line). That we exist at all began with an idea in the mind of God.
As for my own kids, they were homeschooled. Two had B.S. degrees in mathematics by the age of 18. The oldest has been equally successful in his work. ( They knew plenty of words.)