Can you refresh my memory?
Can you refresh my memory?
I addressed SC nominations, which included the seat now held by Alito, not just Roberts.
What do you want to know? How much do you want to know?
I think (to address the larger picture) that we could have done a lot worse than W as Prez at that time and place, 9-11. That event pretty much determined that he would be limited in what he could have accomplished domestically.
W made the single biggest personnel decision right...that of Dick Cheney to lead his VP search committee. It was W, not Cheney, who decided that Cheney was the man he needed for VP.
It hasn't been well documented, but I believed at the time (and still do) that Cheney directed a lot of personnel decisions. They hit some home runs, most notably Rumsfeld and Ashcroft.
So, a lot was going on at the time of the Roberts/Alito nominations. How much do you want to know?