Populist: A supporter of the rights and power of the people.
If the GOP retains Mikey Steele, then more “Republican/Independets” will run as Populists [not the 1891 political party].
Sarah Palin, Scott Brown, Bob McDonnell, and others who use the “R” are not Mikey Steele and the GOP style Republicans. They are Populist Republicans. And that’s why they get the votes and why they win. They don’t want nor need Mikey Steele to come to their States and rally voters. The voters are already rallied. Mikey Steele would be the “kiss of defeat” just like 0bama is for Democrats.
Think outside the “Republican” Box! The New “R” politicians do not fit into a GOP mold. They do fit into Their State Conservative/Populist/Republican Rights mold.
It’s a new, freer, more educated, more outspoken political atmosphere. For Virginians, Bob McDonnell is their choice. For Massachusetts, Scott Brown is their choice. Neither of them have to be cookie-cutter replicas of each other. They “fit” their own State Voters even if they don’t fit the Voters of another State.
The person who appeals to voters in every State will be the person who is the best “fit” for the “R” win for the White House in 20-12.
Well stated.