You’re welcome, and there are. First, it was only technical men and family-loving women along with quite a few engineers (real ones). Now, investment advisors are in with advising clients to go right around our traitors and straight to foreign investments to protect their assets in the mean time. But get ready for the defaults. The only way to bring out-of-touch business-political-academic families (if you can refer to those as families) down is to squeeze their revenues hard.
BTW, most of the productive work in the lower end of the economy soon will be work done by the unlicensed, and for now, disenfranchised. That’s already begun. Things have been hard for some of us for over 30 years, and the conditions only made us tougher and wiser. The near future will be no time for noses brown from ill gotten revenues.
Also, BTW, be ready for more disgusting elections of the least of choices made by the contemporary elite. That’s part of the real, legitimate and civil rebellion toward needed defaults—the only way to stop the madness and rebuild. It’s safer to elect incompetent figureheads for tyrants than competent ones.
While I have little taste for government interfering in business, I hope that one result of a government limit on corporate overpayments and bonuses will be to bring jobs back to this country. It seems to me that if top executives are vastly overpaid, then they will keep the stockholders off their backs by shipping as many jobs as possible to low paid countries. If their pay can be reduced to more reasonable levels, then hopefully it will be more cost effective to keep the low level jobs here.