Still, he issued a “Certificate of Live Birth”. It was not entitled a Birth Certificate. My birth certificate is a long yellow form with all sorts of information. Maiden name of the mother, name of the father, place of birth, doctor, date, etc. etc. You know what I mean. And then it even has a big red seal on it. Obama’s was not anything of the sort. NO information was contained or very little. Nothing much about the parents. Did you know that Isreal is the only place on earth that requires a child to be named after the mother? All other places require the name of the father. IF the father is unknown, it states that. CO
What he “released” to the public isn’t what he would have been given in 1961. That law of 57, actually afforded foreign born baby’s an actual birth certificate. It’s right there in the law itself. Now...what would be stated on it as far as hospital and/or delivering Dr. (etc)? Who knows. That, is one of the 2 million dollar (spent) questions.