The conservative movement is not going to get anywhere until it becomes unwilling to compromise essential principles on the altar of political expediency. The sucker’s game will continue until the suckers wise up.
You two ever read the autopsy of the campaign run by a guy named Goldwater?
Between Goldwater and Reagan, can you really say that you'd even support Ronald Reagan today, knowing that he allowed 12 million babies to be murdered during his 8 years, and that he annointed a total "kennybunk" RINO blueblood to succeed him in office? Much less a Goldwater conservatism who lost miserably in a much, much more conservative time in our history????
“The conservative movement is not going to get anywhere until it becomes unwilling to compromise essential principles on the altar of political expediency. The suckers game will continue until the suckers wise up.”
The “conservative movement” is defined by what voters decide. Politics is different from religion or philosophy.