If you don't believe me try it yourself and make sure you take your property tax receipt with you. I look forward to your thread when you report your findings.
Votemout, honey, how old are your parents? I think most public school restrict the participation to kids aged 5-16 or 18. That may be part of the problem. ‘Sides that, doncha think your mom would look kinda silly playing the cello in orchestra with a bunch of 6th graders? ;)
You’re nuts. I am absolutely certain that if I went over to the local community college and applied, I would be accepted, would pay my fees, and would have the same priveleges as any other STUDENT.
You don’t seem to understand the difference between mandatory elementary education and voluntary secondary education.
And I certainly wouldn’t go in waving my property tax forms and bellowing that I should get something everyone else pays fees for.
I didn’t realize that you were suggesting that your parents be allowed to run around loose on a high school campus. That’s totally ridiculous.
As a parent, I certainly don’t want some strange adults on my child’s campus.