One version of Calif. Uber Alles tore down a politician named Brown—Jerry—and I was almost thinking of doing my own take pro-Scott
I am Senator Scotty Brown
My face it smiles and never frowns
Soon I could be President
(we’ll settle for U.S. Sen for now!)
Obama power will soon go ‘away
The people’s seat is mine today
And you know I won’t forget you
I know this is your country too
I know this is your country too
Massachusetts—goin’ red
A red state, we’re goin’ red...
Not easy.
In the booklet for one DK’s album, they had the lyrics for Too Drunk to F-— and had a bit of a spoof of the 45 cover:
TED Kennedy’s Too Drunk To Swim
b/w PRAY, Mary Jo!
Available at Hall of Records
Chappaquiddick, Mass.