Gee... I thought empty means "nothing" or "not filled". These students are speak with empty holsters while their liberal administrators speak with empty heads.
To: greatdefender
“There was certainly the expectation that someone was going to show up with a gun in a holster,”
Rocket scientist!
2 posted on
01/15/2010 7:35:20 PM PST by
To: greatdefender
"Higher Education doesn't mean "elevated".
Most college professors and administrators are kooks.
3 posted on
01/15/2010 7:38:10 PM PST by
(Member of the Original Defiant Class)
To: greatdefender
Someone is just as likely to show up with a gun in an empty pocket event. Are they afraid of those too?
7 posted on
01/15/2010 8:18:35 PM PST by
(When Obama succeeds, America fails.)
Back in the day when I was shooting USPSA, one night I was using an old belt and holster combination that I didn't normally use, and I had forgotten to bring a spare belt for my pants: The belt was an Ernie Hill Speed Leather belt, with a strip of spring steel between the layers of leather, so the heaviest holster and gun wouldn't twist the belt. The holster was screwed onto the belt, so it wasn't going anywhere. This was also back before legal concealed carry in MO & KS.
Anyway, after the match, I put my guns in the trunk, but I've still got my (empty) holster on my belt. I needed to some gas for my car to make it home, so I stopped at a convenience store. While I was filling up, two cop cars pull in, flash their lights at me, and the officers jump out of the cars, guns drawn, and ordered me to put my hands in the air, and to get on my knees. It turns out that the people in the store happened to see my holster while I was out at the pumps (I never entered the store), and called the police, telling them that an armed robber was there. Anyway, it only took about 10 minutes to straighten things out, but it was an ugly situation, and reminded me that I don't like being held at gunpoint.
9 posted on
01/15/2010 8:31:39 PM PST by
(Do I really look like a guy with a plan?)
To: greatdefender
"There was certainly the expectation that someone was going to show up with a gun in a holster," TCC interim Chancellor Erma Johnson Hadley said under cross examination during a trial in federal court Thursday. I had that expectation too, but then I looked up that obscure word in the phrase "empty-holster protest".
emp⋅ty /ˈɛmpti/ [emp-tee] adjective, -ti⋅er, -ti⋅est, verb, -tied, -ty⋅ing, noun, plural -ties.
1. containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropriate contents: an empty bottle.
The distinguished scholar, Chancellor Erma, could have allayed her fears with a little research.
10 posted on
01/16/2010 5:20:52 AM PST by
(Natural born citizen of the USA, with the birth certificate to prove it)
To: greatdefender
"undifferentiated fear." Another way of saying "liberal hand wringing".
11 posted on
01/16/2010 4:27:25 PM PST by
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