Baby Doc is still living it up in France, I suggest that France send him the bill.
$78 million, Hell that’s a dinner check for this administration... couple of date trips to New York City or a Holiday in Hawaii.
Might as well. They’ll never be able to repay it anyway.
France wants to “surrender” the Haitian debt, big surprize.
Why in the h-— is there any debt? The place is a hell hole, add to the debt all the money poured in by charities, and nothing gets done.
They need too....Those high energy biscuits the UN has been handing out are stale.
Cancel the debut if you want. Haiti could never reture those obligations. But the bank accounts of the Duvalier family, Aristide, and rulers, military and police officials, diplomats and other Hatian elites of should be offset against those loans.
The money should be easy to locate. I’d be surprised if much of it wasn’t in branches and affiliates of the same banks that made those loans.
Talk about flushing moolah down
the crapper! Port-au-Potty.
Under the best of circumstances, Haiti would have had to borrow the money to pay its debt, so what’s the difference?
Sure, it won’t be repaid regardless.
One provision to the agreement: Haiti may never ask for, nor receive a loan from the loaning nation. Ever.
The way that money is lent to developing (i.e. will never develop hellholes) nations is criminal- to both the poor of those countries and to the taxpayes of the countries that fund those loans. The money ends up lining the pockets of the rich corrupt in those nations, and the repayment, as well as terms, cripples the people of the receiving nations for decades. In the meantime, we are the people who fund the loans in the first place, in the guise of “humanitarian aid.” This is one area where both knee-jerk liberals and fiscal conservatives should find common ground.