Your wife is my new hero - if we had a camera in our living room, we’d be committed for all the screaming and yelling at the TV when Obozo comes on - odious man!
“Your wife is my new hero - if we had a camera in our living room, wed be committed for all the screaming and yelling at the TV when Obozo comes on - odious man!”
My older son, my two BILs and I used to be known as the out rageous ultra right conservatives in our family. Hardly a day went by, where we didn’t embarass our wives and other family members for daring to openingly confront the lies of the Clintoons and the rat politicians.
9/11 woke up my wife, DIL and SILs.
0b0z0 crushing our economy and trying to force what he wants on America re health care and his green wet dreams, inspite of what most Americans want, has made all of our women relatives more conservative and outspoken each day.
Our younger son used to be a flaming green liberal. Moving away from Portland has exposed him to the dangers of the greens, and 0b0z0 has decimated jobs in his age group, 40+-10 years. He is now an independent and bashes 0b0z0, when he hears him on the radio, sees him on tv or reads 0b0z0’s latest lies in printed media.
My wife’s two SIL’s are paralleling her, and they are even more proactive against 0b0z0, Reid, Pelosi and other liberals. One has several active grandchildren, who due to sports or just being active end up ERs/walkin clinics after school. She got tired of the waits for her grandkids to be treated. She bought an ICE ball cap hat and Jacket that she keeps in her vehicle. She wears them to ERs to meet her DILs and injured grandkids. When she appears in ICE gear, the illegals in ERs or walkin clinics clear out.
My BILs, older son and I just sit back and watch our women rip and tear 0b0z0 and his progressive rat traitors. My newly independent younger son is very effective with his peers in destroy 0b0z0’s so called hope and change.