I am becoming more optimistic everyday.
These negative ads that the Dems have put out in the last few days I beleive are backfiring on them. Also, this Dem thug pushing down the reporter in Washington the other night was a GODSEND, especially because it was caught on video and then posted on UTUBE. Then Coakley denided knowing what had happened even though the pictures showed her witnessing the whole thing.
It reminds me of the imfamous line: “Revenge is dish best served cold.”
Back when I studied politics as an avocation (some 30+ years ago), one of the rules was: “never go negative when the people already dislike your guy more than his opponent”. Coakley is not exactly beloved, to say the least, nor does she exude anything on the campaign trail approaching genuine warmth and charm. The words “cold fish” come to mind, as do others less suitable for a family-friendly web site.