Thanks for posting this - I used Argentina’s decay in an earlier thread - but it deserves special attention. Most commonly we refer America’s decent to the fall of the Roman Empire - but 20th century Argentina is a more accurate and frightening comparison for this current American crisis. i.e. the Obama socialists have now claimed that their Nationalized Health Services Bill will add 4 million jobs!! How can paying 4 million new employees to create & keep medical records (for government bureaucrats) save money??
ping for later
Video - Argentina’s Economic Collapse
good post...thanks
repeat often
Historical examples such as Argentina, Wiemar Republic, Zimbabwe do offer some parallels and warnings for our current situation.
However, the major difference is that none of the above countries currencies functioned as the reserve currency. Today, all major central banks hold dollars and US debt. The Europeans appear to have problems with increase debt risk (Ireland, Greece) and they will probably mirror the dollar at least to some extent. Britain’s pound is highly leveraged.
Other developing countries such as India, China, Brazil are rightly slowly and carefully divesting or their exposure to USD. Nonetheless, they too will be adversely affected by US monetary and fiscal policy.
So,inflation in the US may be somewhat mitigated by worldwide exposure. The penalty will be a worldwide currency and global governance.
Fleeced and destroyed Government and taxes grew larger and larger as did labor unions. Ignoring reality. Sound like anybody we know?.